After about a two year hiatus, we cleaned out the 90, gave our discus a better home and picked up 16 F1 Red Rainbows from the very WC colony I sold two years ago when I got out of Trophs.
We're taking our time with this batch, nice and easy. Just thought I would share:
I'm running an Eheim 2262 with a Hydor K4. That gives me about 2100 gph flow, or 23x turnover. Granted, after head pressure and filtration friction loss it's lower, but still well over the 10x mark. I have heavy surface agitation with the 2262 spray bar so for now I'm not going to bother with a wet/dry.
I scaped with tried and true Leslie's PFS and Texas holy rock. I've got a few plecos and some assassins in the tank as well. The only thing left I want to add at this point are some Ulwile fry.
Many thanks to Mgarrido for all your help getting us back in the Troph game!
We're taking our time with this batch, nice and easy. Just thought I would share:
I'm running an Eheim 2262 with a Hydor K4. That gives me about 2100 gph flow, or 23x turnover. Granted, after head pressure and filtration friction loss it's lower, but still well over the 10x mark. I have heavy surface agitation with the 2262 spray bar so for now I'm not going to bother with a wet/dry.
I scaped with tried and true Leslie's PFS and Texas holy rock. I've got a few plecos and some assassins in the tank as well. The only thing left I want to add at this point are some Ulwile fry.
Many thanks to Mgarrido for all your help getting us back in the Troph game!