The TAKO Killifish Club will host a Killifish Show on July 14th and an Auction on July 15th at the Thornwood Community Clubhouse on Turkey Creek Drive. The clubhouse will be open for setup on Saturday at 6:00 AM. Chris Weatherford, a prodigious breeder of killifish will be the featured speaker at 2:30 PM on Saturday. Chris will be bringing some of his award winning fish.
There is no entry fee for show mail-ins. Mail-ins to arrive no later than Friday, July 13th. Please send mail-ins to:
Arthur Leuterman742 Bison Drive
Houston, Texas
There is a $1.00 per pair charge for up to the first 10 pairs of killifish carryed in for the show with any additional entries free of charge.
For the Auction on Sunday, all fish, aquatic plants and supplies are welcome with a limit of five (5) bags per variety. The auction will be split 60/40 in favor of the seller.
There is no entry fee for show mail-ins. Mail-ins to arrive no later than Friday, July 13th. Please send mail-ins to:
Arthur Leuterman742 Bison Drive
Houston, Texas
There is a $1.00 per pair charge for up to the first 10 pairs of killifish carryed in for the show with any additional entries free of charge.
For the Auction on Sunday, all fish, aquatic plants and supplies are welcome with a limit of five (5) bags per variety. The auction will be split 60/40 in favor of the seller.