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Updated shots of my tank

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  • Updated shots of my tank

    Tank is a custom 120g, 72"X16"X24"

    Filtration is 2x Marineland 350's and 1 FX5

    PFS substrate from Warehouse Pool Supply (Leslie's was out)

    camera is a basic Sony Cybershot (el-cheapo)

    you can see my stock list in my signature

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    Last edited by stevenallenbarnard; 04-05-2010, 11:41 AM. Reason: messed up pics
    ‎Haiku's are easy
    But sometimes they don't make sense

  • #2
    love the ghost knife :)
    25g - Reef
    3.5g - Surge Tank
    10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


    • #3
      thanks, I've got 3 of them in there, all about 6-7". I've kept them before but with varying degrees of luck. this is the first time though that i've had more than 1 in the same tank and they are also the largest things in the tank.
      ‎Haiku's are easy
      But sometimes they don't make sense


      • #4
        nice tank but i say ditch the fake background, paint it blk or some color you like, ditch all the pots and fake stuff, get some huge driftwood on the side of the road for free, make some caves for the knives out of petrified wood and slate, and call it a day, you have a great tank, you just need to scape it.
        I make people happy


        • #5
          Thanks Mark. that's been my plan, although I enjoy the background I picked out and I only plan on keeping this particulay tank for about another year before I upgrade to a standard 150 becase this custom built is a pain in the @$$. I'm running out to nepco the next time I get paid to get more rocks (the wife wants zebra and rainbow). I have an AWESOME HUGE piece of driftwood that I got from Brian (tater tot) that's about 4.5-5 feet long but it's not sunk and I didn't have enough rocks to sink it in my tank. my plan is to cut it into 2 or 3 sections and bore the centers out, but I need to find someone who has the tools to do it for me. I appreciate all of the comments and ideas from everyone, so keep em coming. my future plans also include removing the bolivian rams once everything else has a chance to grow and replacing them with some regular sized geos
          ‎Haiku's are easy
          But sometimes they don't make sense


          • #6
            that sounds awesome bro, i know which piece of wood youre talking about. they sink rather fast believe it or not. i cant wait to see the new scape. you can get all the rock you want for like 20 bucks there.
            I make people happy


            • #7
              yeah, that piece of driftwood was the bane of my existance earlier this year. was floating it in the tank until I had the rocks to sink it, and I had an open bottle of melafix fill into the tank and get trapped in the corner. well the tank has stainless steel bracers instead of glass (12" in the center and 6" on each end) which to me is F'n retarded, and I didn't realize the bottle had fallen into the water until the smell of tea tree oil permeated the entire house. I lost everything I had except for 1 jack dempsey, which has led me to the conclusion that after a nuclear holocost the only things left alive will be **** roaches and that one dempsey, lol
              ‎Haiku's are easy
              But sometimes they don't make sense


              • #8

                dude i have more big pieces of driftwood that i wouldnt mind getting rid of, they are not the same type, they are nicer imo.

                pm me if your intersted.

                tanks looks nicem, and i think you will be happy once it has a super scape and geos
                FRENCH FRY!!!

                55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'

