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FTS: Full Tank Shots Only
Ok here are some of my tanks at the house.. Picture are taken with a Cannon SD1000 point and shoot.
110x my crap tank that I am never happy with...
Oceanic 30g Live Planted no soil. just sand and CO2 Its simple to maintain.
29 bio Work in progress, still cycling.
2 green bta's, 1 candycain shrimp, 2 fire gobies, 1 red scooter bleny... I need some colorful zoas for it..
Kids 20g cube... hey its a KIDS tank....I use it as a night light for their room.
Last edited by dustin; 12-23-2010, 11:43 PM.People who stand for nothing will fall for everything.
30 cube ( Hi tech planted)(for sale)
29 bio cube (reef)
20 cube (kids tank)
Originally posted by FrontosaurusRex View PostVan dude...I'm only being honest cuz I know you won't take it personally but I hate that wood. I like the idea but the wood looks cheap with that tank and those sweet fish.ADA mini-m planted
ADA mini-m riparium
ADA 30-C nano reef
ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
Eheim 90cm SA biotope
110g Peacocks
Originally posted by FrontosaurusRex View Post@Vanson... I don't know...regular driftwood...its unoriginal but I think it'll look better.
Vanson's "wood" is nice.)
vanson, if anything I would rework the rock some and add some more smaller ones to make it look more balance and natural.
But then again, it's pimp as is!I ate my fish that died.