ok heres some pics so i can finally show off a little
first up is our 55g community fresh tank, this tank is absolutely beautiful, even if i do say so myself, though i can take none of the credit for how it looks! My wife and i have an arrangement whereby she 'tolerates' my hobby, but she won't have no ugly fouling up her house, so....she aquascapes, i keep it looking as amazing as she makes it!
This community is huge and WIDE! you want a run down of what's inside?? ok! here goes!
common pleco - 'big bass-tard' - 7"
LFABN pleco - 'special' - 3"
gold nugget - 'very special bass-tard' - 4"
rubber lip - 'gus' - 3"
ABN - 2"
Banjo cat - 'banjo' - 3"
upside down cats 2x - 2" - 4"
stripe rapheal cat - 2"
pictus cat - 'herbert' - 4" ( probably 9" with his ridiculous feelers!)
black-fin shark cat - 3"
clown corys 5x - all 1"
green corys 5x - all 1.5-2"
sterbai corys 5x - all 1.5-2"
emerald corys 3x - all 2-3"
albino corys 5x - all 1-1.5"
glowlight tetra 11x - all 1.5"
glass cats 7x - all 3"
albino tiger barbs 2x - 2"
rosy barbs 2x - 2"
red-tail shark - 3"
dragon goby - 7"
bolivian rams 2x - 2.5"
chinese algea eater - 4"
golden algea eater - 2"
guppies 5x - 2"
veil angel - 3" (high)
um...there could well be more in there...um that's probably not a good thing but im so very easily carried away!!!
as i said, its a beautiful aquarium, i love to sit out and watch my plecos munching down on some fresh veg, or herbert running out of the ship to chase away the corys before heading back in, or watching the rams watch each other from opposite ends of the tank slowly lowering and raising their fins...or watching the glass cats huddle under the log (they only come out to eat) they all have their own personalities and this tank made me fall in love with aquariums! i know theres a heck of alot of fish in there so we went over the top with filtration, one emporer 400 and a canister adds upto 125 rated gallons for a 55 gallon tank, plus a prefilter powerhead inside the tank.
second is the 20g long which is kind of an aggressive/quarantine tank which was set up entirely out of necessity, the gold gourami in here, and an albino birchir who has since passed (jumper-found him the next morning crisped up and stuck to the carpet...funny thing is, the tank is pretty much sealed, i have absolutely no idea how he got out, but to his ultimate downfall...he did
) were tearing up the 55g, eating pretty much everything in site, or relentlessly chasing round the tank so nobody could EVER rest! there's a couple of giant danios in there and the striped lep, all of whom have proven to be just too active for the community tank.
third is the ten gallon goldfish bowl...well it was a bowl before i smashed it and had to go begging on here to keep them housed! what you see is the result of everybodies generousity on hfb, holly and molly love it, although, im slightly worried now since ive been told they'll need a 30g all to themselves eventually! eek! for goldfish!?!?!?
lastly is the picotope purchased and set up at fish ranch, everything in it was done at the same time, as this is our first venture into salt we decided to start small so any 'mishaps' don't cost us too big! for the time being were cycling, with nemo in their to help out, hopefully since the live rock, live sand and livestock all came from pretty much the same tank, it shouldnt take too long to cycle (i guess im just culturing the glass
). i think we'd like to start out standard as that means we can only really do softies, but thats probably for the best as it starts us slow (and by the time i can find somebody who still makes 12" compact light, ill have learned everything i need to know about the harder to keep corals( on that note has anybody got an old currentusa or similar? cheapsies??
) )
thats it for now! ill keep y'all updated about the tanks and the progress of my mini reef!
say nice things! you'll make my wife happy

first up is our 55g community fresh tank, this tank is absolutely beautiful, even if i do say so myself, though i can take none of the credit for how it looks! My wife and i have an arrangement whereby she 'tolerates' my hobby, but she won't have no ugly fouling up her house, so....she aquascapes, i keep it looking as amazing as she makes it!
This community is huge and WIDE! you want a run down of what's inside?? ok! here goes!
common pleco - 'big bass-tard' - 7"
LFABN pleco - 'special' - 3"
gold nugget - 'very special bass-tard' - 4"
rubber lip - 'gus' - 3"
ABN - 2"
Banjo cat - 'banjo' - 3"
upside down cats 2x - 2" - 4"
stripe rapheal cat - 2"
pictus cat - 'herbert' - 4" ( probably 9" with his ridiculous feelers!)
black-fin shark cat - 3"
clown corys 5x - all 1"
green corys 5x - all 1.5-2"
sterbai corys 5x - all 1.5-2"
emerald corys 3x - all 2-3"
albino corys 5x - all 1-1.5"
glowlight tetra 11x - all 1.5"
glass cats 7x - all 3"
albino tiger barbs 2x - 2"
rosy barbs 2x - 2"
red-tail shark - 3"
dragon goby - 7"
bolivian rams 2x - 2.5"
chinese algea eater - 4"
golden algea eater - 2"
guppies 5x - 2"
veil angel - 3" (high)
um...there could well be more in there...um that's probably not a good thing but im so very easily carried away!!!
as i said, its a beautiful aquarium, i love to sit out and watch my plecos munching down on some fresh veg, or herbert running out of the ship to chase away the corys before heading back in, or watching the rams watch each other from opposite ends of the tank slowly lowering and raising their fins...or watching the glass cats huddle under the log (they only come out to eat) they all have their own personalities and this tank made me fall in love with aquariums! i know theres a heck of alot of fish in there so we went over the top with filtration, one emporer 400 and a canister adds upto 125 rated gallons for a 55 gallon tank, plus a prefilter powerhead inside the tank.
second is the 20g long which is kind of an aggressive/quarantine tank which was set up entirely out of necessity, the gold gourami in here, and an albino birchir who has since passed (jumper-found him the next morning crisped up and stuck to the carpet...funny thing is, the tank is pretty much sealed, i have absolutely no idea how he got out, but to his ultimate downfall...he did

third is the ten gallon goldfish bowl...well it was a bowl before i smashed it and had to go begging on here to keep them housed! what you see is the result of everybodies generousity on hfb, holly and molly love it, although, im slightly worried now since ive been told they'll need a 30g all to themselves eventually! eek! for goldfish!?!?!?
lastly is the picotope purchased and set up at fish ranch, everything in it was done at the same time, as this is our first venture into salt we decided to start small so any 'mishaps' don't cost us too big! for the time being were cycling, with nemo in their to help out, hopefully since the live rock, live sand and livestock all came from pretty much the same tank, it shouldnt take too long to cycle (i guess im just culturing the glass

thats it for now! ill keep y'all updated about the tanks and the progress of my mini reef!
say nice things! you'll make my wife happy
