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My 55 Gallon Shrimp Aquarium (Update Pics 10/9/2012)

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  • #61
    My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium

    Originally posted by sunkenmetal View Post
    I got my malawa shrimp from Tim. I have so many now it is not even funny lol
    Surprised you haven't cooked them and eaten them yet.


    • #62
      malawa shrimp are the same size as RCS lol
      Mentally Challenged

      My Flickr


      • #63
        Shrimp, Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp, GlasGarten, Cologne Shrimp Food, Shrimp King, Mosura, BorneoWild, Salty Shrimp, Aqua-SL
        Mentally Challenged

        My Flickr


        • #64
          My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium

          Cool looking little shrimp. But I'm still surprised you haven't eaten them...
          ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


          • #65
            Originally posted by barrettsline View Post
            Cool looking little shrimp. But I'm still surprised you haven't eaten them...
            you first
            Mentally Challenged

            My Flickr


            • #66
              My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium

              Dab of hot sauce and they'd be good to go....... Sissy
              ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


              • #67
                My cichlids like them lol
                Mentally Challenged

                My Flickr


                • #68
                  My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium

                  With or without the hot sauce? Lol
                  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                  • #69
                    Mentally Challenged

                    My Flickr


                    • #70
                      The shrimp have made it to there new home. I cant thank Armthehomeless enough!!! I believe I have between 20-25, for what Tim said. The shrimp are great. My wife seems very happy with them. I think shes very excited at the fact that one of the RCS came berried. Here are some pictures I took real quick after they had been in the tank for about an hour. It was a little more difficult to get some macro shots of these because of how small they are. But it was fun chasing them to get the pics.

                      IMG_0005 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0018 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0030 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0036 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0050 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0059 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0061 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0064 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0066 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0071 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0078 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0092 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0094 (1280x853) - Copy.jpgIMG_0097 (1280x853) - Copy.jpg
                      ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                      • #71
                        They colored up pretty well after sitting in a bag in my office all day!
                        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                        • #72
                          My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium (Update Pics 9/7/2012)

                          Originally posted by armthehomeless View Post
                          They colored up pretty well after sitting in a bag in my office all day!
                          The wife is very happy with the coloring and seems to be excited to try to get them to color up even more! Can't thank you enough.
                          ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                          • #73
                            My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium (Update Pics 9/7/2012)

                            Originally posted by TexSun View Post
                            Great photos barrett!
                            Thanks man you'll have to come by and check them out!
                            ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                            • #74
                              My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium (Update Pics 9/7/2012)

                              Tim should I let them graze for a day or two before feeding an algae waffer or somthing? Also I'm still noticing a lot of fussy algae (grey) on the drift wood. Is it time for the Oto cats and a pleco, or will the shrimp clean this with time?
                              ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                              • #75
                                Re: My 55 Gallon Shrimp/Tropical fish Aquarium (Update Pics 9/7/2012)

                                Let 'em graze for a day. The fuzz is probably only temporary. It should go away on its own.
                                Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                                Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                                Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                                Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

