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Fish tank pictures!!!!

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  • Fish tank pictures!!!!

    I really haven't got to see anyone's tank pictures :/ so I guess people would show there's off if I'd ask(;

    ill show mine too once I take them tonight!!!!

  • #2
    Here's my first...

    10 gallon planted tank with 2 gorgeous blue rams and some ghost shrimp and 1 clown pleco..
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I'll jump in. This is my 180 gallon tank. Cherry wood stand and canopy with African cichlids and Central America cichlids.

      Here is with the flash off.


      • #4

        One day old Lamprologus meleagris by Sunken Metal, on Flickr

        DSC_8337.jpg by Sunken Metal, on Flickr

        "Lamprologus meleagris" fry by Sunken Metal, on Flickr

        DSC_3317.jpg by Sunken Metal, on Flickr

        DSC_5080.jpg by Sunken Metal, on Flickr

        DSC_6805.jpg by Sunken Metal, on Flickr

        One day old Lamprologus meleagris by Sunken Metal, on Flickr
        Mentally Challenged

        My Flickr


        • #5
          show off!!!
          210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
          125g Mdoka White Lip

          "Success is the willingness to fail"


          • #6
            Not showing off just posting.
            Mentally Challenged

            My Flickr


            • #7
              Those fry look awesome!
              20g mixed reef


              • #8
                Originally posted by prostreet69camaro View Post
                I'll jump in. This is my 180 gallon tank. Cherry wood stand and canopy with African cichlids and Central America cichlids.

                Here is with the flash off.

                Wow what light fixture is that?


                • #9
                  deffinintly under construction...but heres my 75g an my 8g. excuse the super tacky landscapeing! gonna be fixed this comeing weekend, bright fake plants will be eradicated! allso this weekend ill add pictures of the newly aquired 65gallon ''junk tank'' i put outside with some guppies and endler mutts, the 55g oscar tank an my 30 gallon that has the self cloneing crawfish an cory cats. just remember im just now getting into this whole aquarium thing, so if you have some advice, let me have it! i plan on goin bigger an better REEEAAALLL soon, so the faster i learn, the better

                  sorry for the light not being on

                  this lil royal got his tail chomped off first day i got him. think ive had it for about 4 months, so he aint doin to bad i guess

                  didnt even know i had this guy till i was switching over fish from the 55 to the 75. lifted a rock an he was burried underneath. i know it aint the best picture, but anyone know exactly what kinda pleco he is? has sortta a pointy nose. real nice lookin critter. pic taken in water aint green haha


                  • #10
                    How about a video?

                    This is video of my old tank. I am unfortunately now fishless..


                    • #11
                      Don't have any large tanks guys, at least not yet. Hehe

                      heres my newly planted aqueon 8 with a beta.
                      sitting on an eheim stand.

                      just waiting on some plant growth..
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ruston123fishing View Post
                        deffinintly under construction...but heres my 75g an my 8g. excuse the super tacky landscapeing! gonna be fixed this comeing weekend, bright fake plants will be eradicated! allso this weekend ill add pictures of the newly aquired 65gallon ''junk tank'' i put outside with some guppies and endler mutts, the 55g oscar tank an my 30 gallon that has the self cloneing crawfish an cory cats. just remember im just now getting into this whole aquarium thing, so if you have some advice, let me have it! i plan on goin bigger an better REEEAAALLL soon, so the faster i learn, the better

                        sorry for the light not being on

                        this lil royal got his tail chomped off first day i got him. think ive had it for about 4 months, so he aint doin to bad i guess

                        didnt even know i had this guy till i was switching over fish from the 55 to the 75. lifted a rock an he was burried underneath. i know it aint the best picture, but anyone know exactly what kinda pleco he is? has sortta a pointy nose. real nice lookin critter. pic taken in water aint green haha
                        Do you have a light fixture on that 8?


                        • #13
                          i had a pretty sweet one, untill 3 days ago. my 125 pound black lab turned the wrong way and bamn! game over... been lookin at the small fluval led strip lights. the smallest one might hang off the side a bit, but they sure look like some nice lights. is there a better one for plants? i plan on fillin it up sooner or later


                          • #14
                            I love that tank though... And I have no idea.. I just use the fluval compact light fixtures. Like the ones that come on the EBI kit.


                            • #15
                              Now this is another kind new tank I just built..
                              Houses a few cherry shrimp, but they've been dying these past few days :/

                              im running a zoo med canister filter in the back of the eheim stand..cand 2 fluval compact lights.
                              had to get the top lid custom cut so all my stuff could fit in the corners.. Like the heater and the filter hoses..

                              might just end up doing small fishes soon.

                              unless some one sells me some Cherrys at a low price (;
                              Attached Files

