OK as I said I am starting off slow so its been active for 6 months so I took my time with it. I know its nothing special compared to some peoples tanks but its my baby!!
First fish stock, I think all that was in it was platys, corys, albino pleco and neon tetra.

Later on added some Angelfish. My water as going through a greeny colour stage then.

Didnt take long for the pleco to outgrow the corys

Took these today, my first plants and moss ball added in the last week. Also added some black skirt tetras and dwarf gourami and 2 more albino plecos in the last three weeks.

First fish stock, I think all that was in it was platys, corys, albino pleco and neon tetra.

Later on added some Angelfish. My water as going through a greeny colour stage then.

Didnt take long for the pleco to outgrow the corys

Took these today, my first plants and moss ball added in the last week. Also added some black skirt tetras and dwarf gourami and 2 more albino plecos in the last three weeks.
