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Teeny Tiny Tank (4 pics)

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  • Teeny Tiny Tank (4 pics)

    I've been working on my itty bitty 5.5 gallon Fluval Spec and it's doing really well. It's heavily planted and they're all thriving - just some java ferns, various anubias, marimo (and a marimo that fell apart that's tied to some wood), and some new micro sword. Animal inhabitants are 3 bronze cories and 2 cobalt gobies. There used to be 13 ghost shrimp but I removed them today because I'm ordering some cherries to put in, hoping they'll breed! Just a few shots of my pretty little aquatic world. There's some green on the glass (which I'm okay with, at least there's enough nutrition in the water for that stuff to grow!) and I'm hoping to get a few otos to help with the cleaning.

    Goby is gobying along.

    Bronze cory scavenging and happily ignoring the catfish pellet next to him/her.

    Microsword, java fern, tattered marimo, and Bob's Burgers in the background.

    Overall view. I need to get an algae cleaning thing for the inside, eep. Though it doesn't bother me much, to be honest.

    Thanks for looking! I'm happy with how it's going. Excited to put in the cherries to see how they do!

  • #2
    Looks great! I love our Cherry shrimp and they do wonderfully well. Looking forward to watching the progress of the tank!
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President

