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The slippery slope to perdition

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  • The slippery slope to perdition

    My first exposure to African cichlids came in the mid to late 70s. The LFS in Texas CIty got a shipment of fish at the bus station where I worked; the box was broken open, some leaking was taking place, so I immediately called the LFS owner (Randy). I also looked to see if any were in immediate danger. Along with the usual assortment of fish, an eye-popping pair caught my attention. A brilliant blue fish, a bright orange fish were in the same bag. I was told they were African ciclids, zebras. Before Randy left the bus station with the fish, I told him I would buy them. Of course, knowing nothng about them, I managed to get the smaller one killed pretty quick. And disgustedly got rid of the other one.

    Twenty+ years later I tried again with an "African Cichlid Assortment" from some internet dealer. Took me a while to figure out what I had - more or less - some I never quite figured out. But I figured out which ones I liked a lot and which ones were real bullies. Crabros, auratus and their cousins - bullies. Zebras - can be. Favorites - probably Labeotropheus trewavassae, red tops. Thirty years from my initial exposure and I am a full fledged addict - from one tank to now, 1 - 125; 3-75; 4 - 55 - currently up and running.
    Any other stories of addiction?

  • #2
    i would tell my story,but you asked for addiction.i'm really more in the psychosis arena.


    • #3
      For me it all started with my mom. I love my mom. :) She kept mollies and other livebearers,pictus cats, kissing gourami's, and the swiming pool full of goldfish.

      Then when I was in the 5th/6th grade I got into my own aquariums and kept various central american cichlids in a couple 29 gallons, then when I was in 9th grade I got 2-55 gallons.

      The after high school I quit keeping fish until I got out of the Navy in 1997. Then I got introduced to a realy hobbyist who was keeping rare African Cichlids.

      I'll never forget the first time I went over there and seen fish I had never seen in any store.

      For me the most exciting ones, was the fish that had the white stripes, blue heads, and the little babies with polka-dots on them. Tropheus Duboisi...I was hooked ever since..

      Other than some peacocks early on that he had that I quickly got bored with, I have kept nothing but Tropheus since then.

      I have gotten rid of TV's, furniture, and home stereo equipment to make room for more tanks. I live in 900 sqft 2bdr apartment, and I have more in gallons than I got in sq foot.

      Some of my Tropheus have lived in more towns than most people, well traveled fishes..

      It only gets worse in time..the Tropheus addiction...
      Last edited by geoff_tropheus; 10-22-2009, 09:16 PM.
      380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
      300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
      180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
      150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


      • #4
        I have had fish since I was in college aside from a few goldfish here and there. In college I kept various fish. I had one Jack Dempsey that survived a trip here to Houston and I had around 5 years. I currently have a zebra danio that is over 8 years old believe it or not. I only know how old it is because I only have one and have never bought any others.
        My latest round of addiction happened when I bought a fish tank from a man on the other side of town... and I had people offer to help out with a fish tank in my classroom. Thus began the BOOM. At one point I had 22 fish tanks. I currently have 6 including a salt water. I see myself setting up a few more tanks to house a select few fish... but I love each and every one of them. My oddballs are my favorites.
        5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
        20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
        29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
        29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
        29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
        55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
        75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
        / 10+" oscar/ parrot


        • #5
          My wife.... I had a crappy 20L gold fish tank as a kid back in the 80's. 2 gold fish and a pleco. It was Walmart setup and an epic disaster. I said I never wanted tanks again.

          Flash forward 20 years and my wife brings home a "free" 20L with a milk crate full of ghetto equipment she wants to set up in our house. I breakdown and take her to Petco to get a 29g with stand and Rena XP1 instead so it will at least "look good".

          A week later we found this website while researching types of fish to keep. It took less than a month to get Tropheus fever. A year after that we got Discus fever.

          Now we're getting saltwater fever. Oh man...
          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!

