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Help me ID a fish I saw pls

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  • Help me ID a fish I saw pls

    I saw a long, reddish color african cichlid over at Fish Ranch about 2 months ago.........if you've been there, you can't miss them because Mike had about 4 of these fish.  He even had 1 breeding pair.  I think the cost was about $200+ a fish.

    What are these fish?
    180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.

  • #2
    Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

    how long is long?

    the only red thing i have seen at that price was the amazing looking flowerhorn.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

      ek, the fish was about 9" long.  Mike usually keeps them separately.  He did have a mated pair.  They are pretty rare/exotic.
      180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.


      • #4
        Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

        9" tall? Was it shaped like a pike cichlid, or like a large mbuna...? Just trying to get a picture in my head.  :)
        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


        • #5
          Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

          Originally posted by Mzungu";p="
          9" tall? Was it shaped like a pike cichlid, or like a large mbuna...? Just trying to get a picture in my head.  :)
          yes, like a pike cichlid.....about 2 1/2" to 3" high max.  The name on the tank was nothing I had ever seen before.
          180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.


          • #6
            Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

            Wow, I have no idea...but I did find a cool ID page, maybe it can help narrow it down?

            African Cichlid Genus Gallery Need help identifying your cichlid? Unfortunately, many fish shops do not properly label the fishes they sell. Often they are sold with only a common name (e.g., Red Top Zebra, Electric Blue) or even worse, in an unlabeled tank they mysteriously referred to as...

            If not, I think it's a good thing to have on hand.  :)
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #7
              Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

              was it in the last isle closest to the windows Ron? i could call him and ask.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #8
                Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                i broke down and called Fish Ranch.......boy was I way off.

                First, you were right--it's a pike cichlid..........not african cichlid (oops), but a south american cichlid.

                They didn't give me the exact name, but here's a pic.  check out the red one.


                does anyone on this site keep this fish?  they are pretty cool.

                they go for $200 plus and can get over 12".  Thanks for all your help.
                180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.


                • #9
                  Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                  man i think they would need a massive tank!!
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #10
                    Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                    Oh, wow! Well I'm glad you called!  :emtthumbs:
                    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                      Those two prs (if Im thinking of the right fish) were Crenicichla sp. 'Cobra Tapojos.'
                      - When Life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make Life take the damn lemons back!


                      • #12
                        Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                        That is one cool looking fish.
                        58G Malawis
                        10G planted


                        • #13
                          Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                          sounds like a lot of moeny for fish that wont spawn. but they do indeed look great
                          Never fear I is here
                          David Abeles
                          Vice President
                          Greater Houston Aquarium Club


                          • #14
                            Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                            Originally posted by a_Vertigo_Guy";p="
                            Those two prs (if Im thinking of the right fish) were Crenicichla sp. 'Cobra Tapojos.'
                            yes, you are right!!!!!!  What do you think about them?

                            These are pikes........right?
                            180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.


                            • #15
                              Re: Help me ID a fish I saw pls

                              Crenicichla are Pike cichlids.  I had 4 "Xingu" pikes a few years back.  They were really cool fish to have, but they were fairly aggressive to the others in the tank with them.  I had them in my 210 convicts, synspilums, and a large breeding pair of salvinis.  In amongst all of that aggression they weren't scared of anyone.  If you have a large tank available to hold them, you won't be let down if you get them.

                              They won't live with your Moba. :wink:
                              Join us at

