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my trophs

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  • my trophs

    Hello here are some pictures of my trophs. I don't know which kind yet. The largest one is about 2 inches and smallest about half an inch. This my first time keeping tropheus. They do school better than other african cichlids that I had. They grow pretty fast as well. Could I keep them with yellow labs? These are the pictures I took so far. Not great no full tank shot. The light turn off, didn't want to mess with the timer lol

    180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights

  • #2
    Aww, cute babies you've got there! Where did you get them? Did they not know what kind they were, either? What size tank are they in?

    I'll leave your other questions for the experts. :)
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      They can be kept with yellow labs.
      150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
      125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
      115G Tanganyikan


      • #4
        My brother got them from his friend Mz. They are in a 150 gallon tank. My brother never told me their name. I think 2 or 3 are ikola or something. Did some research over the internet lol. They have yellow band through the middle of their body, and the front and back are black. The rest haven't really color up yet so I couldn't tell.
        180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


        • #5
          Originally posted by algarciajr View Post
          They can be kept with yellow labs.
          Im sure they CAN...but why would you. Labs are very aggressive. They're territory hogs and they CAN effectively destroy your chances of breeding the Tropheus. The scape you have now will suit the juvenile Tropheus for now but eventually you will need to build them some territories.
          Last edited by FrontosaurusRex; 05-06-2010, 12:02 AM.
          If it ain't wild caught
          You ain't doing it right


          • #6
            Here is a picture of the full tank
            So I should add more rocks later on? I just added the river rock yesterday.
            180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


            • #7
              Not necessarily MORE rocks, but they should be seperated into piles. If you talk to some of the more experienced Tropheus guys they can explain how this should be done. From my understanding, when you're males are old enough, they will start to battle for territory and if they are all fighting over one territory, you might end up with only one winner and the rest will either be killed or never breed. My brother (newb) is big into Tropheus. Send him a PM and he'll be able to give you some good advice on how to achieve the most potential with your new fish.
              If it ain't wild caught
              You ain't doing it right


              • #8
                Alright I will have to msg him. Thank you for your advice!
                180 gallon RR wild discus, harlequins, congos, rainbow, pleco, cardinals, rummynose, rcs, and amanos.  2260 eheim pressurize co2 4x54 tek lights


                • #9
                  Ditch the conch shells... those things are fish/debris/mess traps.
                  700g Mini-Monster tank

