Now that my 10" Mbu Puffer is sold, I was able to free up this tank and wanted to do another Tanganyikan tank.
I traded the bigger swords for some smaller ones for my 20 long, and gave the Hygrophila Angustifolia to a friend.
This time instead of setting up a mixed tanganyikan tank like my other 55, I decided to go with 18 1" Tropheus Moorii
Chimbas. This is strictly a grow out tank until I get ahold of a bigger one which will be by the end of the summer
now that school is out.
The Chimbas are being shipped to me tomorrow through a friend of mine in Oregon. I got a really good price on them
and I'm excited to see what the tank is going to look like with them in it. Keep watch, I should have pictures of them
within 2 days maximum.