Originally posted by Lori
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Bill's 190 gal
Originally posted by Lori View PostYeah, i'm no Picaso for sure.
Originally posted by sunkenmetal View Posti get my tank decorated and think looks good, then i come on here and look around and think why didn't i think of that lol. I just get in a hurry and dont really plan things out i think that is my problem.Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723
I am a believer in less is more, I like to start out with 1-2 natural simple materials, and use.nothing but those materials.
When you start adding a new material here and a new material there it can and usually does end up looking busy or sloppy.
I used manzinita driftwood and holey rock and pool filter sand in my 75g sa tank and it came out super natural.
Then I used 2 10watt 10k leds for lighting to give it a nice natural low/medium light with a lot of shimmer.
Another thing I'm a firm believer in is not skimping on filtration.
I like to know that whatever I decide to put in a tank the filtration is not going to be an issue.
I have 2x fluval 405's, 1x fluval 305 and 2x maxi jet 900 circulation pumps 1000gph each on my 75g which is primarily Geophagus which do not like high flow, however from what I've seen, most fish if gradually worked up to it, can adapt to high flow tanks, my geos act as though the flow isnt even there, where as when I started raising the flow level they could barely handle 2x regular k1 phs.
Hope this helps.Last edited by TaTeR ToT; 06-23-2011, 11:42 AM.FRENCH FRY!!!
55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'
You got that green schist, right Bill? That stuff is kinda blocky, so you can stack it so that it provides caves and hiding places but still looks natural.210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
90G star sapphire
75G buccochromis rhoadesii
55G ?
30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry
I did get the Schist. I bought longer pieces just because of the depth of the tank. If you put anything small in there, it just kinda gets swallowed up. I actually need a few more pieces. Just haven't gotten around to go by there. I'm looking for one large piece of wood to use as a center piece. After that, I think that will be it. I'm gonna try and get the wet/dry going this weekend. I'm looking for something to add some flow at the bottom of the tank. I'm getting too many Poo Piles just standing. I'm not sure what would be good for this. Any ideas?Lori's husband Bill.
You shelled out money for a top of the line filter. Now save some more coin and get you a great water mover and with the wetdry you should be set. Unless you shock that tank with 60+ fish. And if you do that just put another Eheim on it and you'de be goldenCustom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723