I currently have 40 fish in my 90g tank, and i'm wondering if I can add a 6" OB and a 5" Sunburst to the mix. Keep in mind that I have a smaller OB and Sunburst in the tank already.
Here's what I have in the tank right now:
I'm about to add:
All these fish are between 3" - 5". The OB in question is said to be 6" and the Sunburst would be 5" so they would be among the larger fish in the tank. My current OB is the bully of the tank, targeting my beautiful Red Shoulder peacock the most; although, I've noticed that any red fish tends to be targeted a lot in my tank. I'd like to add more red colored fish in the tank to spread the aggression around, but I don't want to make things worse for my Red Shoulder.
Can I at least add another Sunburst? What about the other OB? Or should I work on adding more peacocks to the mix? My main concern is aggression.
Here's what I have in the tank right now:
- 3 BN Plecos
- 7 Synodontis petricola “Dwarf”
- 15 Yellow Labs
- 1 Geophagus altifrons (Earth Eater)
- 1 Neolamprologus leleupi
- 1 Neolamprologus pulcher "Daffodil”
- 1M Aulonocara koningsi Mbenji "Blue Regal"
- 1M Aulonocara maulana “Bicolor 500”
- 1M Aulonocara stuartgranti “Cobue”
- 1M Sciaenochromis fryeri (Electric Blue Hap)
- 1 Cyrtocara moorii (Blue Dolphin)
- 1M Aulonocara ?? "Red Shoulder"
- 2 Nimbochromis livingstonii (unsexed juveniles)
- 1 OB Peacock
- 1 Sunburst Peacock
- 1M unidentified blue fish with yellow fins (I think it's a peacock)
- 1M unidentified sickly yellow peacock (very thin, but eats, hides a lot, very bullied)
I'm about to add:
- 1M Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (male juvenile)
- 1M Protomelas Taeniolatus "Red Empress" (male juvenile)
- 1M Aulonocara baenschi
All these fish are between 3" - 5". The OB in question is said to be 6" and the Sunburst would be 5" so they would be among the larger fish in the tank. My current OB is the bully of the tank, targeting my beautiful Red Shoulder peacock the most; although, I've noticed that any red fish tends to be targeted a lot in my tank. I'd like to add more red colored fish in the tank to spread the aggression around, but I don't want to make things worse for my Red Shoulder.
Can I at least add another Sunburst? What about the other OB? Or should I work on adding more peacocks to the mix? My main concern is aggression.