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180g WC Frontosa Mikula

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  • 180g WC Frontosa Mikula

    Its been a while since i've updated anything about this tank. I have had so many different scapes in the past year. I have been studying "aquascaping" for a few years now and i have finally found one that suites my needs and my fishes needs. Here are the specs:

    Tank: 180g
    Lighting: 36" Marineland LED, 36" Tru Lumen Pro 50/50 LED
    Filtration: FX-5 filled with sponges, carbon, purigen and filter floss
    Substrate: Leslie's Pool Filtered Sand (150lbs)
    Rocks: Green Canyon
    Fish: 10 WC Frontosa Mikula (3M-7F)
    5 WC Neolamprologus Leleupi (2M-3F)
    5 WC Synodontis Petricola
    1 WC Altolamprologus Compressicep Gold Head
    Water Change Schedule: 2 Water changes per week @ 75% each (its overkill, but i have a strict vision of what my tank should look like)

    Here is a shot of what my tank originally looked like when I first recieved my fish about 2 years ago
    This is one of the scapes I attempted
    And this is what I have currently. I have been studying Iwagumi styles for the past year and have picked up on it fairly quickly. Its actually not too difficult once you learn the formula and use a bit of your own imagination. This isnt "typical" iwagumi, but instead, my creative spin. Hope you guys enjoy.
    If it ain't wild caught
    You ain't doing it right

  • #2
    Looking good!
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Thanks man.
      If it ain't wild caught
      You ain't doing it right


      • #4
        Very nice. Must say I liked the original as well.
        ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


        • #5
          Nice looking scape in all three pics. Research is paying off. Nice work.


          • #6
            Scape looks awesome. Fish are nice as well.
            300g - Petrochromis Texas "Red Fin" Longola, Petrochromis Red Bulu, Tropheus Red Rainbow Kansanga.


            • #7
              Original is my favorite, but I understand how you can want to try something different. If it's not broken, don't fix it.
              210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
              125g Mdoka White Lip

              "Success is the willingness to fail"


              • #8
                Nice job Rhett.

                Kind of has me thinking i should remove a few rocks from my Burundi tank.


                • #9
                  Outstanding looking tank!! Keep me in mind when those Mikula start breeding.
                  300 W/C Burundi
                  210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
                  210 F1 Moba
                  180 W/C Mpimbwe
                  180 F1 Burundi


                  • #10
                    Thanks everyone for the kind words and Mike, you're number one on the list buddy. :)
                    If it ain't wild caught
                    You ain't doing it right


                    • #11
                      looks great rhett....
                      210 gallon tank...empty.....wait till you see what is coming


                      • #12
                        Nice layout. I need to get me some of those rocks!!


                        • #13
                          I gotta confess I like the first scape best but all look good.

                          What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                          Robert Anson Heinlein

