I have a mixed Tang and Malawi tank and everything was going fine until a couple of weeks ago. One of my Julidochromis stopped eating and then I found him on the bottom a 2 days ago. About that time, one of my most beautiful peacocks stopped eating. He just sits around back behind the rocks and actually swims away from food. He still swims around, chasing a couple fish, but also gets chased by only two fish... a electric blue who is a tad larger and a yellow lab who is smaller (we call him bully). I really dont know what to do...I have tried multiple types of food....
Please help me...
75 Gallon Aquariums
o Sciaenochromis (Electric Blue, Maleri Is) – 1
o Copadichromis – 1 (actually might be another electric blue)
o Psuedotropheus Acei – 1
o Labidochromis – 2 Yellow Labs
o Metriaclima M. estherae red - 1
Cobalt blue - 1
o Aulonocara hansbaenschi – 2 (Sunshine)
German Red - 2
Stuargranti – Ngara Flametail – 2
o Bleekeri
o 2 Julidochromis - regain, marlieri
o 2 Neolamprologus - Leleupi, cylindricus
o 2 Altolamprologus – black, gold
o 2 Synodontis Catfish - multipunctatus, angelicus
o 2 large bristlenose Plecostomus – algae eating
Please help me...
75 Gallon Aquariums
o Sciaenochromis (Electric Blue, Maleri Is) – 1
o Copadichromis – 1 (actually might be another electric blue)
o Psuedotropheus Acei – 1
o Labidochromis – 2 Yellow Labs
o Metriaclima M. estherae red - 1
Cobalt blue - 1
o Aulonocara hansbaenschi – 2 (Sunshine)
German Red - 2
Stuargranti – Ngara Flametail – 2
o Bleekeri
o 2 Julidochromis - regain, marlieri
o 2 Neolamprologus - Leleupi, cylindricus
o 2 Altolamprologus – black, gold
o 2 Synodontis Catfish - multipunctatus, angelicus
o 2 large bristlenose Plecostomus – algae eating