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Frontosa Strip Tease

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  • #16
    shes one of the hood rat chicks around the block hahahah


    • #17
      Thats what my wife said . LoL
      Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
      Mark Twain


      • #18
        Congrats nice fronts
        125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

        55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

        55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

        10 gal -fry tank,snails


        • #19
          U gonna sell them?
          210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
          125g Mdoka White Lip

          "Success is the willingness to fail"


          • #20
            congrats man yea i strip my trophs too because otherwise they all get eating, i stripped my female today and got 12 out her.
            175 tropheus Chaitika
            125 tropheus Ujiji
            90 tropheus Nkonde


            • #21
              I had one troph that I stripped one time cause I was worried about her health... a few days later she was holding again.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #22
                Congrats on the babies man.
                75g Tank,
                2- Wild Scalare Angel 2-wild Angel snakeskin, 2-half blue half black Angels, 5-Guianacara Geayi, 4- Blue Rams(1m/3f), 1- L144, 1- Pleco unknown type 1-Blue Neon Goby
                2.5g Mini Monter - Shrimp Tank
                10-RCS, 1-Red Sakura 5-Malawa, 8-Boraras Brigittie, 1-Adonis Pleco, 1-Zebra Nerite, 1-Horned Nerite
                10g Tank
                Hospital 2-F. Endlers

                2-29g Empty Tank, 20L Empty Tank , 125g Empty Tank[SIGPIC]sigpic


                • #23
                  Congrats!!!!!!! Nice pics!
                  180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.


                  • #24
                    Thanks everybody ! I'll try and get some pics of them in the 40 gallon , these little guys are fast and hard to corner for a good pic .Their stripes really got dark in the 40 , they look real good .
                    Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
                    Mark Twain


                    • #25
                      Got another batch ! Some update pics on the last batches too . My babies are getting all grown up! I got a few Peacocks, White Labs, Plecos, and Loaches growing out with them.

                      Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
                      Mark Twain


                      • #26
                        Do you have any more for sale?
                        55g - Mixed African cichlid tank
                        56g - Angelfish community tank
                        29g - Convict tank
                        10g - Split Betta tank
                        30g - Outdoor Goldfish container pond


                        • #27
                          I sure do. P.M me.
                          Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
                          Mark Twain


                          • #28
                            Your inbox is full, Call me 832 910 2861
                            210 gl - Yellow Moshi Mahale,Zebra Pleco
                            300 gl - Red Bulu,Ikola,Brazilan Pleco
                            200 gl pond - Assorted Cichlids


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by HERM View Post
                              I sure do. P.M me.
                              I guessed you r out of the loop...
                              210 gl - Yellow Moshi Mahale,Zebra Pleco
                              300 gl - Red Bulu,Ikola,Brazilan Pleco
                              200 gl pond - Assorted Cichlids


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by HERM View Post
                                Thanks, Its the second time she holds but only got one survivor from the last time . Its about 2 inches now . That is the only reason I striped her .
                                210 gl - Yellow Moshi Mahale,Zebra Pleco
                                300 gl - Red Bulu,Ikola,Brazilan Pleco
                                200 gl pond - Assorted Cichlids

