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Libidochromis caeruleus and Libidochromis "Mbumba"

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  • Libidochromis caeruleus and Libidochromis "Mbumba"

    Will these species hybridize? If so what does the offspring look like?

  • #2
    Re: Libidochromis caeruleus and Libidochromis "Mbumba&q

    They will, and I don't know.
    So many things can be a mystery, when all we're seeking is freedom...


    • #3
      Re: Libidochromis caeruleus and Libidochromis "Mbumba&q

      What does the offspring look like? Might theese actually be morphs of the same specie?


      • #4
        Re: Libidochromis caeruleus and Libidochromis "Mbumba&q

        I don't know that these will hybridize for the simple fact that they are both Labidochromis.  I know folks have had them in with other Mbuna and have had no hybridization....but you never know I guess.  Now I am assuming that Mbumba is actually Mbamba correct.  If you had something in with them that they looked more similar to like a Hongi or something like than then you would for sure get hybrids.

        Just my two pennies worth.

