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Looking at a cichlid tank this summer

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  • #31
    Cheapest I'm finding for Moorii Lufubu is $12 each at 1.25" with $65 shipping puts total just over $300 for 20. If you know a cheaper place I'm all ears.
    29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

    30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

    5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn


    • #32
      Originally posted by Chris.d514 View Post
      Cheapest I'm finding for Moorii Lufubu is $12 each at 1.25" with $65 shipping puts total just over $300 for 20. If you know a cheaper place I'm all ears.
      Dude, buy some fish on here. Don't buy from online man.
      210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
      125g Mdoka White Lip

      "Success is the willingness to fail"


      • #33
        If someone has the breeds I'm looking for I'd much rather buy locally but it will all depend on if someone on here has them.
        29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

        30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

        5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn


        • #34
          All you have to do is post a wanted thread in the Buy/Sell section. Where do you think you live? This is YUUSTUN!!!!!
          210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
          125g Mdoka White Lip

          "Success is the willingness to fail"


          • #35
            I have to keep an eye open for a 2217 and an ac110 on here and CL see if i can find them cheaper. I have 2 decent sized pieces of holey rock sitting in the yard. I also have a large 20-30lbs piece of lava rock but not sure how those are in aquariums.
            29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

            30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

            5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn


            • #36
              Lava rock does fine in the aquarium. If it hasn't been cleaned, just make sure you clean and soak them appropriately first.
              All bleeding stops eventually...


              • #37
                Im selling some river stones. They do good in aquariums
                210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                125g Mdoka White Lip

                "Success is the willingness to fail"


                • #38
                  Looking like this will be coming later than expected but should still be right around the end of the year. I have still been reading up and trying to learn all I can about the fish. Since this will be coming later though the tank size may increase to 75 gallons. I think I'm going to go with a LED system (found some on CL that have a remote to adjust lighting for $75), PFS, and holey rock. For filtration I'm looking at an AC 110 and a 2217.
                  29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco

                  30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel

                  5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn


                  • #39
                    I have 7 pre adult to adult Moorii Lufubus, $10/fish. (I paid more)

                    I also have a Eheim 2217 that is complete, 1-2 years old.

                    And the 40g breeder you're looking for.

                    But I'm not getting a response from you.

                    Rocks I would go with riverstone, they're pretty cheap at rock yards. And get pool filter sand from Leslies for $9 for 50lbs. They have sand at Lowes and Home Depot too probably cheaper.
                    Last edited by aggrofishkeeper; 05-01-2012, 05:53 PM.

