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demasoni help!

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  • #16
    YeS I dechlorinate the water and I use tap
    You will never know if you didn't try!


    • #17
      Sounds like an infection. May not be bloat. May be a gas build up issue. What kind of substrate do you have? Feeding once a day with weekly water changes would minimize nitrates unless your filtration is severely deficient.
      210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
      125g Mdoka White Lip

      "Success is the willingness to fail"


      • #18
        I have Texas holey rock. Crushed coral and some black sand. I just added the 400 gallon and that's when all the fish swam against the current including the demasoni and I looked at the demasoni one day and now it's stomach is turning white it is like stretching out. In a couple days I wouldn't be surprised to see it's scale popping off
        You will never know if you didn't try!


        • #19
          Sounds like dropsy


          • #20
            demasoni help!

            Is it having trouble swimming down or anything?
            ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


            • #21
              No it's not having any trouble at all. It's not swimming around alot like usual. Just sitting in one spot an then moving. I don't think she has eaten but she is getting bigger and bigger. I know in the next week it will probably die. I don't want it to. Probably no way of reversing it? I looked and I'm usuingthe aquarium salt. Is that the same as epsom? Does the aquarium salt help them or is it only harming the fish?
              You will never know if you didn't try!


              • #22
                demasoni help!

                How long have you been treating with any type of medicine? Salt is not a medicine, even though it can help in gill/ respiratory function and some dietary issues its not a medicine. If you haven't treated with any type of true medicine thus far. It's beyond the point of doing anything. If you have been treating with medicine and nothing is working, I have to recommend putting the fish in a bag of water and putting it in the freezer. It sounds like bloat but it also sounds like a parasite infection.
                ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                • #23
                  What does putting the fish in the freezer doing?
                  You will never know if you didn't try!


                  • #24
                    demasoni help!

                    Peacefully euthanizing them.
                    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                    • #25
                      Omg are you serious I'm supposed to kill my fish? I don't know about that.
                      You will never know if you didn't try!


                      • #26
                        demasoni help!

                        If treatment aren't working then yes. You took on the responsibility to take care of this animal. The same responsibility applies if treatments for curing disease aren't working. If you know you hurt, injured, etc. you go to someone who is sworn to an oath to take care of you. You are that person to this fish. Now in no way shape or form am I saying that you haven't provided a great home/environment for the fish but, if it's sick and nothing your doing is helping then you shouldn't make it suffer.
                        ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                        • #27
                          I geT what your saying. What treatment would you treat the tank with? If you saw these symptoms
                          You will never know if you didn't try!


                          • #28
                            demasoni help!

                            I'd be trying a medicine that would treat bloat and I'd also be using methayline blue. I use this for most everything I treat. However. If it is bloat some other medications that I believe can used are things like metro and such. Turn out all light sources. No feeding. And raise the temp of the tank. If this doesn't work and it continues to not get any better. Well the call is yours.
                            ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

