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Petrochromis trewavasae- the wait is over!

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  • #91
    Right now the largest is the 75 gallon. And that's the problem. She just is remembering back to the days when we were getting crowed out by 200+ gallon tanks every where.
    Emerald Green Rainbowfish
    Yellow Rabbit Snails


    • #92
      Originally posted by black_knight View Post
      Right now the largest is the 75 gallon. And that's the problem. She just is remembering back to the days when we were getting crowed out by 200+ gallon tanks every where.
      sell all your tank and get one BIG tank focusing on one shouldnt be too much of a crowd and pretty sure she would actually be more on the "YES YOU CAN GET THAT 200+g" hahah


      • #93
        I actually consolidated. I was very into nano tanks, wild bettas and labrynth fish. I had 30 small tanks. Now ive got 2 5gallon tanks and the 75 gallon. Im very busy with our 13 month old and my job. The plan was to replace the 75 gallon with a 200+. If i do that she will loose her study. So shes reconsidered letting me have my big tank.
        Emerald Green Rainbowfish
        Yellow Rabbit Snails


        • #94
          she wont "LOSE" her study it will just help her relax before she study. gotta talk it smooth and sell the tank to her LOL


          • #95
            just buy it and bring it home, im sure she will get over it in the days to fallow. Well at least thats what i would do if i had a wife
            175 tropheus Chaitika
            125 tropheus Ujiji
            90 tropheus Nkonde


            • #96
              Originally posted by New_Cichlid11 View Post
              just buy it and bring it home, im sure she will get over it in the days to fallow. Well at least thats what i would do if i had a wife
              That's why you're not married. My girl is micro managing my life and we don't even live together. Women have a way.
              210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
              125g Mdoka White Lip

              "Success is the willingness to fail"


              • #97
                Originally posted by New_Cichlid11 View Post
                just buy it and bring it home, im sure she will get over it in the days to fallow. Well at least thats what i would do if i had a wife
                well i think if he did that he wouldnt have a problem after cause he wont have a wife


                • #98
                  I should have gotten the permission for the 200 gallon tank before buying the petros. It's like the time 7 years ago when I was talking to her about a water feature in the back yard. I went out and hand dug an 8ft x 32ft x 4ft deep hole in my back yard. It rained a little, and before I could drain the water out to put in the liner. She said she saw a snake slither out of her and that it would attract snakes. I didnot win this arrgument. I had to haul in alot of dirt an refill the hole by hand! The liner is still sitting in my garage.
                  I'm afraid I may have to find them a new home. I should have known.:aua:
                  Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                  Yellow Rabbit Snails


                  • #99
                    Seriously??? WTF


                    • Originally posted by moganman View Post
                      That's why you're not married. My girl is micro managing my life and we don't even live together. Women have a way.
                      come on guys you can always convince women to do what you want, there is a way. My gf would never care if i had 20 tanks bc shes into fish too.Lol knight man i am guessing you had to many bad runs with fish related stuff with your lady, thats probably why she is so skeptical now.
                      175 tropheus Chaitika
                      125 tropheus Ujiji
                      90 tropheus Nkonde


                      • She doesn't like me to drip water on the floors. When we were dating it was Cool that I was really into fish and I had large tanks. After marriage I got alittle more flack about the tanks. We bought a house and I even had a tiled living room so I could have plent of tanks. I did have plenty of large tanks around the house. I had to down size over the years due to time constraint and arguing about water on the floors and space for her furniture. So I went to nano tanks. Now we have a baby and more of my stuff has been pushed out. This is the Circle of Life.

                        Women marry men hoping to change them. But men never change.
                        Men marry women hoping they never change. But women always change.
                        Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                        Yellow Rabbit Snails


                        • Wise words


                          • Petrochromis trewavasae- the wait is over!

                            Assuming its not a money issue, is she against the 200g idea bc of the length? Depending in where your 75 is you could look at getting 4ft long by 2-3ft deep tank. It would probably be enough area for your Petros without taking up too much more space(kind of). All you have to tell the wife is "I'm just gonna replace this 75 with a tank that is just 1ft deeper". Sounds a lot better than saying "where can I put a 6ft by 2ft tank"


                            • It's more of having a large tank that wil turn into more large taks. Plus the only place I'm allowed to have tank now has a wooden floor. She's worried about the volume of water. We share the study and if you put a 6 ft -8ft tank in the room it will crowd ascess to the desk. Originally we talked about putting it in the foyer, but she now doesn't want to move some antiques. I could just ignore her and put a tank there, but believe me I've done this kind of thing before it was not worth all the nagging and fighting. She's very familiar with tank sizes. I use to have 8 ft and ft long tanks all over. I guess it's my fault. I get alittle crazy with stuff. I never do anything half way.
                              Emerald Green Rainbowfish
                              Yellow Rabbit Snails


                              • Petrochromis trewavasae- the wait is over!

                                Haha, I feel your pain. My wife is cool but not too keen about having another large tank in our house, guess I'm lucky to have my store to put a tank in.

                                As for the water issue on the wood you could argue that 75g will do just as much damage as the 200g if they were to break. 75g is more than enough to ruin a wood floor.

                                Finding the right spot is key with making the wife happy. The happier she is the more you get away with. My advice is to catch her in a good mood, and when she agrees to let you put a big tank somewhere in the house you go out and buy the tank the next morning. Don't give her time to ponder the idea and change her mind. Once you have the tank and can't take it back it will be too late and she will probably just accept it at that point, lol.

