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My turtle with baby frontosas

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  • My turtle with baby frontosas

    Turtle is about a year old. I just got the frontosas. I am going to raise them for a bit then give them away when I buy some mobas from Ron!

    I used to have a floating platform for this turtle to get out of, but he has never used it.

  • #2
    He might make a snack out of the fronts.
    Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
    Mark Twain


    • #3
      Oh yea, turtles need to be able to get out off the water and dry out. It can get shell rot.
      Don't tell fish stories where people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.
      Mark Twain


      • #4
        And you need a bright light for them to "sun bathe". I've always liked the idea of a turtle tank with a few fish, but filtration to keep up with the turtle would be costly!


        • #5
          theres no way he can catch the fronts. he doesnt eat fish. i have had him for a year and no shell rot


          • #6
            i used to have the turtle with my discus and he never bothered them one bit. i got tired of discus and now switching to frontosa.


            • #7
              Lgive the fronts away.? I'll take them when you want to let them go. Their about the same size as my f1s I can build me a nice colony with these lol


              • #8
                I wouldn't mind taking free Frontosa as well!


                • #9
                  let me grow them out some. when Ron comes through with the moba i will be getting rid of the burundis. i hope i can catch them though


                  • #10
                    How many you have in their


                    • #11
                      Turtles are cool and the filtration doesn't need to be any more then what you would have for fronts. You do have to clean a little more.

                      You should use a turtle dock and a heat lamp. the turtle will use it if he can heat him self. Tutles can get shell rot if they can't get out of the water but Like fish it takes bad water too...

                      Nice Pictures of the turtle fronts and the tank.....
                      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                      • #12
                        thanks. i have a wet dry and eheim canister. there are 6 frontosas in there right now. i am used to weekly water changes because i had discus recently. people say frontosa require much less maintenance.

                        once ron's batch is ready, i will trade these out for mobas. the turtle is fun. this type only get to be 4 inches or so, and they don't eat fish. i'm actually more worried the turtle won't be fast enough to get food once the frontosa get bigger. i have had him since he was a baby, and he did not mind living with my discus and a large school of cardinal tetras. will see how he does with the fronts
                        Last edited by jltx114; 10-07-2012, 09:30 AM.


                        • #13
                          You should start hand feeding it. I have a softshell turtle that I hand feed to make sure the fish don't take its food


                          • #14
                            what kind of turtle is that? looks pretty, also nice tank
                            175 tropheus Chaitika
                            125 tropheus Ujiji
                            90 tropheus Nkonde


                            • #15
                              thanks. it's called a stinkpot musk turtle. they are pretty slow moving and like to walk across the bottom of the tank. i used to have a florida softshell and it was nothing like that. i will never get a softshell again. that thing was aggressive, and chased around my fish trying to eat them. he even bit my finger during water changes.

                              here are a few more pics with the fronts

