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new fry food?

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  • new fry food?

    My taiwan reef cichlid finally spit out her fry what would be the best food to feed the little guys? Right now i am just using crushed up algae based flakes and crushed up pellets.
    130 gallon lake malawi breeding community tank red zebra with true blue male, Mosobo "deep", Rusties, Taiwan reef.
    125 gallon with Carl the crappie and Mrs. C the crawdad
    100 gallon tall Walstad method planted tank
    55 gallon tropical mixture of guppies, platy's, clown loaches
    55 gallon pea puffer planted tank
    30 gallon Cichlid fry tank
    30 gallon planted snowball shrimp tank.
    10 gallon Killi fish australe orange planted tank trying to breed

  • #2
    boiled egg yolk works too.

    What you are using sounds fine, if it works why change it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by AhKwaB View Post
      boiled egg yolk works too.

      What you are using sounds fine, if it works why change it.
      I feed my F1 Moba fry NLS Thera A sinking pellets in the smallest .5mm size. I feed them this food 1x daily until they hit 1.5".
      180g Oceanic w/colony of 8 WC Moba Fronts (1m/7f) purchased from TNT Cichlids in Jan '05 & numerous fry. 1 F1 adult moba male. 2 2217 Eheims, 2 6080 Tunze Streams, WISA airpump, single stage Johnson ETC.....fishkeeping since 1988.


      • #4
        new fry food?

        Nls growth formula


        • #5
          I use .5mm NLS until fry are 3/4" or so, then off to 1mm NLS. Just use NLS for every fish you own. Nothing but happy/healthy/horny fish if you do!


          • #6
            There is so many different types of NLS you could use until they get bigger. I'm with AhKwaB. If what you're using now works, and they actually eat it, why change it? I would keep up what you're doing until they get larger and then ease them onto what your adults are eating.


            • #7
              Chushed spirulina flake and a little hbh super soft krill for my petro fry. Good growth on it. Trophs might not need much more than the spirulia though.


              • #8
                All my cichlids are on NLS. The smallest ones i have are just a bit to big for these guys but they are def. eating crushed up stuff.
                130 gallon lake malawi breeding community tank red zebra with true blue male, Mosobo "deep", Rusties, Taiwan reef.
                125 gallon with Carl the crappie and Mrs. C the crawdad
                100 gallon tall Walstad method planted tank
                55 gallon tropical mixture of guppies, platy's, clown loaches
                55 gallon pea puffer planted tank
                30 gallon Cichlid fry tank
                30 gallon planted snowball shrimp tank.
                10 gallon Killi fish australe orange planted tank trying to breed

