I have four buccochromis rhoadesii, one male and three females. The male is about 12-13" and the females are about 9-10". What I've noticed is that unlike most malawis where the male would badger every single female until one acquiesced and mated, the buccochromis females are extremely aggressive towards each other. It's wild to watch. It's almost as if they're fighting it out to determine who gets the privilege to mate, and the male pretty much stays out of it and waits to see who emerges victorious. We had to remove one of the females and put her in a different tank because she was getting pretty beaten up by the other two, and the remaining two really go at it. It's almost relentless, and interestingly enough it's even worse after feeding time.
I've never seen this behavior before in Malawis. On the contrary, I've always observed that females are very passive towards each other and the male's aggression is dispersed among them. This is totally different.
I just thought it was interesting.