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300 gallon tank & occupants

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  • #16
    Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

    jolly that tank is absolutely gorgeous....thanks for sharing the picture with us.......very

    congrats on that bad boy indeed.....


    • #17
      Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

      The tank and tembwe look awesome John!

      I would be extremely careful with the myersi and red tail.  The both will get very large and very aggressive, which your cyphos will not appreciate.
      Join us at


      • #18
        Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

        That's a gorgeous setup !  I think a tank any taller than that is sort of wasted on rock-loving fish anyway. You can only pile rocks so high (unless you're a lot braver than I am ) and the fish are going to stay with the rocks.
        Looks perfect.
        MY MANTRA: Yes, I CAN have too many fishtanks!


        • #19
          Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

          I saw the post for this tank on cyphos I believe, or maybe a trohpeus site.  Either way it looks awesome.

          Out of curiousity, even though they are different dimensions, why would you want to go through so much trouble switching tanks to end up with the same # gallons.  Did you just want something different, or was there a specific reason.


          • #20
            Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

            The Footprint is 2' longer!

            Well worth it IMO! especially for Gibberosas!  :wink:
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #21
              Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

              a 10' tank is my dream tank  8O


              • #22
                Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                thanks for the comments, everyone.

                the Tembwe's have not bred successfuly for me yet. I did have two females holding at once, but neither held full term.

                The tank is being filtered by a sump rated for 400 gallons. There are two Rio 3100 pumps in the sump returning the water. There are two built-in overflows in the tank, one at each end. What a loud setup it was when I first set it up. Luckily, I had a bunch of extra bio-balls in a closet. I filled the overflows up with them and that helped tremendously. :)

                I did swap one 300 for another 300 because of the extra 2 feet, the stand, the canopy and the filter. But my original tank/acrylic is in much better shape. If I can't get the scratches out of the new 300, I will replace it down the road. That shouldn't be too bad since I'll only need a new tank, nothing else. The stand and canopy will last forever.

                Yes, the height of the tank is much appreciated when you want to move rocks around. :) But I do think the taller displays look better if you only have to sit back and admire it.

                Jeff, you can have the C. Myersi and possibly the catfish if you want them. Come get 'em. And when you're here, you can vent my fish. LOL!


                • #23
                  Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants


                  When we setup my 300, we got to take pictures.

                  Awesome pics man...I cannot wait...

                  Happy Thanksgiving John!!!

                  380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                  300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                  180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                  150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                  • #24
                    Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                    you should post some fish closeups..
                    380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                    300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                    180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                    150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                    • #25
                      Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                      It's about time you log on from Midland. How was the drive?

                      We will definitely take some pics. :)

                      Happy Thanksgiving to you too.


                      • #26
                        Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                        Originally posted by geoff_tropheus";p="
                        you should post some fish closeups..
                        I tried taking some. But the black background is giving me problems. I get a double image effect. Like a mirror effect. I need an external flash to combat this. :)


                        • #27
                          Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                          Have you looked into standpipes/durso for the overflow?

                          Those cut the noise down big time!
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #28
                            Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                            The Drive was great, but today about 1-2" snow on the ground and lots of ice/sleet.

                            It's 32F with a wind chill of 22F

                            Trinity's mom did not pack her a coat, and all I brought was a hoodie for me.

                            Can you say Wally World!!
                            380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                            300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                            180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                            150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                            • #29
                              Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                              Ek, I did think about the dorso pipe. I had one on a 92 gallon Oceanic corner tank with built-in overflow. But these bio-balls are working great and providing additional biological filtration at the same time. :)

                              Geoff, Yuk! I can't stand the snow. And don't bust your *** on that sleet/ice.

                              Look out Wally World, here we come! LOL!


                              • #30
                                Re: 300 gallon tank & occupants

                                Originally posted by Jolley";p="
                                The tank does have quite a few scratches that I hope I can fix down the road. But I was mainly drawn to the canopy and stand. The tank is 10 feet X 2 feet X 2 feet.
                                THAT is an amazing tank!  I am green with envy!  Forgive my ignorance, but you said you hope you can fix a few scratches down the do you do that?  I have a tank I would love to try and get some scratches out of but wouldn't even know where to start.
                                Our Fishhouse
                                Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

