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Started new tank!!

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  • Started new tank!!

    So this weekend I purchased a 75 gallon tank, stand, and canopy. I am going to be doing a tropheus community tank if all goes well. I've kept all kinds of fish and specifically all kinds of cichlid except for these tropheus so any tips are welcomed. Here's gonna be my complete setup...

    75 Gallon Tank
    60 lbs of white Aragonite sand
    2 - Fluval C306 Canister Filters
    1 - Fluval Heater
    2 - LED Airstones
    1 - Air Pump
    2 - Marineland LED Double-Bright 18" Lights
    Possibly small circulation pump for a little extra.

    Let me know what you think or if you have any tips. I have no idea where to get these beautiful fish yet and this is going to be the biggest tank so far for me. The picture is showing my tank before (36 gallon bowfront) compared to the new one. Thanks in Advance!
    75 Gallon - Planted Discus Tank (in progress, see South American section)

    Looking for rimless nano. PM me if you have something.

  • #2
    Nice tank.


    • #3
      You should use some kind of rock for your scape. I see you have no backround. i would paint the back black or blue to make it look clean and hide hosing and wires ect...


      • #4
        Thanks prostreet! and Khmer thanks for the tips, I do have a glossy black vinyl background. The tank is very foggy in this picture because I had just dumped 60lbs of sand and was waiting for it to settle. And I plan to do rocks all throughout with plenty of caves and tunnels. This picture was very early in the development process for me. I will post more ASAP, of the clean cycling tank. Thanks again guys.
        75 Gallon - Planted Discus Tank (in progress, see South American section)

        Looking for rimless nano. PM me if you have something.


        • #5
          Black felt will work for a background also. Walmart has it cheap. Stick it on with velcro.

          Really depends on if you like gloss or matte finish.


          • #6
            Btw have you decided on what varient of tropheus your going with?


            • #7
              +1 on what kind of trophs


              • #8
                Make sure you have meds on hand. I just spent $100 on more meds just in case. I have metro, bifuran, pure prazipro, parasite guard fizz tabs and clout.
                210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                125g Mdoka White Lip

                "Success is the willingness to fail"


                • #9
                  nice tank and canopy combo, to cycle it i would highly recommend using Seachem Stability.
                  175 tropheus Chaitika
                  125 tropheus Ujiji
                  90 tropheus Nkonde


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by moganman View Post
                    Make sure you have meds on hand. I just spent $100 on more meds just in case. I have metro, bifuran, pure prazipro, parasite guard fizz tabs and clout.
                    +1 lucky Moganman saved my butt when I had my first colony


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys for the responses. I am stocked up on the biological cycle stuff as well as the meds and chlorine removers etc. I am new to the big tank and tropheus thing so I was wondering if I could mix some different kinds. I currently have one "Orange Flame" tropheus that I picked up from petsmart. I am still researching and learning so bare with me. Could I put a few duboisi with few yellow and red tropheus or do i have to stick to solid communities etc? Looking for all the help I can get. haha thanks guys
                      75 Gallon - Planted Discus Tank (in progress, see South American section)

                      Looking for rimless nano. PM me if you have something.


                      • #12
                        Plenty of people have mixed tropheus tank but if ur looking for ur trophs to breed long term I would stick to one certain type of trophs in the tank


                        • #13
                          Cstan216, read up as much as you can in the Houston Tropheus and Petrochromis Club section of this forum. There's info on anything you want to know more about.

                          So far you've been given all good info. I'd like to add to get around 20 trophs to minimize aggression and get ready for weekly massive water changes (80%+ each time) and to keep the fish on a regular feeding and light cycle.


                          • #14
                            Sounds good. I'll just keep researching. Thanks guys. I'll post when I "Figure it out" and get it going.
                            75 Gallon - Planted Discus Tank (in progress, see South American section)

                            Looking for rimless nano. PM me if you have something.

