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favorites cichlids

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  • favorites cichlids

    Hi I need some help choosing fish and I thought some ppl might like to help. I don't like just walking in a fish store and buying a fish I like researching then searching for certain fish. I would like to hear some opinions on favorite cichlids (mbuna, hap, peacock) and maybe some specific favorites out if each group as well. I want diversity in color, attitude, basically everything. No specifics yet for the type of tank just trying to get ideas fir fish to look for. Thank you

  • #2
    Haps: Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" and Fossorochromis rostratus
    Mbuna: Labeotropheus fuelleborni and Labidochromis caeruleus
    Peacock:Aulonocara ethelwynnae

    Others: Gnathochromis permaxillaris, Benthochromis tricoti, and Lepidiolamprologus kendalli
    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


    • #3
      Haps - Taiwan Reef (Protmelas sp.Stevini Taiwan)
      Peacocks - Ngara Flametail ( Aulonacara Stuartgranti )
      Mbuna - Cynotalapia Afra Cobue

      Tangs - Trops ...Petros....Fronts...... ( can't go wrong with any Tangs )


      • #4
        Im basically doing just what you said. I did some research and shopped around and i found that peacocks were (in my opinion) the most diverse in colors and attitude easy to mix and pretty hardy. I'm almost done building my peacock set up now. :) hope this helps.
        75 Gallon - Planted Discus Tank (in progress, see South American section)

        Looking for rimless nano. PM me if you have something.


        • #5
          Featherfins, Cyps, Gobies, and Checkerboards
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
          Desiderius Erasmus
          GHAC President


          • #6
            I picked up a couple Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" no color yet but the father was gorgeous! Got alot too look up now. Thanks


            • #7
              Originally posted by GeorgeForeman420 View Post
              I picked up a couple Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" no color yet but the father was gorgeous! Got alot too look up now. Thanks
              You did good . The Phenochilus is an awesome fish . Definitely a fish for a show tank .

              Sent from Galaxy S3


              • #8
                Looking through my favorites are starting to be mbuna I have some small ones more together and for me it's the way they swim and I really like purple on some. Got a red top that is coloring up beautifully. Trying to get pic tomorrow.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  I miss my champsochromis... my male was 14" when I broke down my 330 gallon


                  • #10
                    What about the Williamsii "blue lip"?


                    • #11
                      So I picked up two trios today. Used advice from your guys tried getting some pics. Here ya go. Thanks for the inspiration! Placidochromis sp. "Phenochilus Tanzania" and Ngara Flametail.

                      can't figure out how I got pics on here last time from my s3 but hopefully I can.

