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My 55 gallon tank

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  • My 55 gallon tank

    Hi, Im new to the site. :)

    Fishlady said I could post some pics of my 55 gallon tank that houses my 2 RES turtles (Red Eared sliders) and 2 algea eaters.

    Pookie and Pebbles are swimming on the left side.  I have a piece of drift wood in there that all 4 of them are enjoying.
    ]55 gallon tank[/url]

    Pebbles my female RES loves to float right over the bubbles lol
    ]Pebbles riding the bubbles[/url]

    Pebbles is in front, Pookie is in back.  Pookie was rescued from a bad situation and has grown so much since I got him
    ]Pebbles and Pookie[/url]

    This is Hoover (I think) one of my algea eaters

    And this is Humphrey (I think) (cant from these pics.  Humphrey is about 1 inch longer than Hoover)
    Rottfully yours,
    Proudly owned by:
    Dogs (Nanuchy & Sonja)
    Cats (Patches & Pirata)
    RES Turtles (Pookie & Pebbles)
    Plecos (Hoover & Humphrey)
    Leopard Tortoise (Tobie)

  • #2
    Re: My 55 gallon tank

    My son would LOVE to see your Turtles!!  Because of TMNT he is now a big fan of them LoL :P

    I love that you name everyone.  We are the same way, all our fish have names.  Thanks for sharing your pictures, nice looking tank.


    • #3
      Re: My 55 gallon tank

      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwsome.......those are gorgeous little guys.....oh i love them.....thank you so much for sharing with us .....totally sweet.....i'll have to get a picture of my little amazing turtle so you can see chewie.....he's so tiny compared to your guys though.....i'll try to get one when i get back from physical therapy....and thanks again for sharing.....


      • #4
        Re: My 55 gallon tank

        Thanks Scooby, I love all my babies.  Everyone has to have names lol.  Will have to get some pics of Hastings my betta and post to the betta forum.  love to share all of them.  

        I've wanted a turtle for years and it just so happens that a friend of mine managed to convince some people she worked for that this situation wasnt good for him.  He was sooo tiny, and wasnt eating, couldnt swim and didnt understand about going up on basking area.  I went to a good reptile shop and asked what I could do to help him.  Was told that adding another turtle to teach him to be a turtle was the best way since he was in such bad shape.  They are both doing great and growing.
        Rottfully yours,
        Proudly owned by:
        Dogs (Nanuchy & Sonja)
        Cats (Patches & Pirata)
        RES Turtles (Pookie & Pebbles)
        Plecos (Hoover & Humphrey)
        Leopard Tortoise (Tobie)


        • #5
          Re: My 55 gallon tank


          I cant wait to see your baby.  Turtles are so much fun.  They are always busy and love watching them sunbath on the basking area lol.
          Rottfully yours,
          Proudly owned by:
          Dogs (Nanuchy & Sonja)
          Cats (Patches & Pirata)
          RES Turtles (Pookie & Pebbles)
          Plecos (Hoover & Humphrey)
          Leopard Tortoise (Tobie)


          • #6
            Re: My 55 gallon tank

            Very cute :)

            What fish do Jesper have
            180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
            Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
            58 S. Decorus

            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


            • #7
              Re: My 55 gallon tank

              Hoover is such an excellent name for a Pleco ! LOL !  I don't usually name mine anymore, unless I have a betta.
              Used to have a betta who loved to stick his chin in the bubble stream, too. We always said he was taking a shave.

              MY MANTRA: Yes, I CAN have too many fishtanks!


              • #8
                Re: My 55 gallon tank

                Thanks Zulaab.  It took a while for me to get it to the point Im happy with it. I want to add some plants, but might add fake ones since the turtles will destroy them lol.

                PH, thanks, ex-hubby thought of it, but I nixed the idea of calling Humphrey "Bissell" LOL.
                Rottfully yours,
                Proudly owned by:
                Dogs (Nanuchy & Sonja)
                Cats (Patches & Pirata)
                RES Turtles (Pookie & Pebbles)
                Plecos (Hoover & Humphrey)
                Leopard Tortoise (Tobie)

