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shellies and compresiseps

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  • shellies and compresiseps

    I bought a colony of shellies not sure the variant but I also have a yellow comp. the comp. at night always goes into the shellies shells should I be alarmed is he trying to get at fry or ??? he has his own cave he normally hangs out in but like I said at times he goes down with the shellies and none of them get close to him.. Like I said should I be alarmed or should I think of relocating him to a mbuna tank where I think he would get eat up in???????????

  • #2
    No don't put him in the Mbuna tank. Sell him to me. lol
    010G Long fin BN grow-out
    020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
    020G Leulepi grow-out
    020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
    030G Leulepi breeder
    030G SRD FlowerHorn
    040G Hongi Sweden breeder
    090G Tangs community
    100G Tangs community
    150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


    • #3
      Comps eat fry for sure. That's their specialty


      • #4
        I have a tank with Shellie's and Comps. I'm not interested in raising fry so I'm not concerned about that part.

        keep in mind that Shellie's are mean little guys and can hold their own pretty good


        • #5
          I don't want to sell him he,s awesome but I also want to keep a good healthy colony of my shellies just want the best for all involved love tang. cichlids just want the best maybe I should buy a bigger tank??? currently oceanic 58 gal 36x18x21 also with 5 fire tip brichardi


          • #6
            current residents 58 gal oceanic 5 fire tip brichardis, 26 shellies light gray with stripes???, 2 judichomis (checkerboards) and 1 yellow compr. background with 2 caves a big piece of holey rock and about 20 medium to large shells


            • #7
              Sounds like you have Multifasciatus shellies. They like sand beds and have fun personality to watch in a tank. Yes chances are you compressicps is trying to snatch up fry for dinner. Hes probably not gona take diwn adults but hatchlings dont stand a chance. Calvus and Comps are lake predators and very well armored. A fully grown multi stands no chance to fend off a two inch comp! Maybe add in a few more rock caves for the comp and try offering him some more meaty food (brine shimp or krill)
              The brine will aslo spark the multies into breeding. If possible post a few pics of your tank and i may be able to help a lil bit more in terms of layout. But dont get upset with the comp, hes doing what natural and trying to, sucks its on cool fry tho!
              5 gal baby hecqui grow out
              7 gal baby compressicps
              14 bio cube fry tank, multies-orange leleupi-telmatochromis
              4 tank rack- 30 cubes. Shellies, mulities-brevis-telmatochromis-caudopunctaus
              100 gal mixed community tank
              125 Tropheus black bembas

              Tanngankia cichlids what else


              • #8
                thanks for everyone's time ill try to upload photos asap hfb is an awesome site with awesome friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                • #9
                  how is this tank doing?
                  5 gal baby hecqui grow out
                  7 gal baby compressicps
                  14 bio cube fry tank, multies-orange leleupi-telmatochromis
                  4 tank rack- 30 cubes. Shellies, mulities-brevis-telmatochromis-caudopunctaus
                  100 gal mixed community tank
                  125 Tropheus black bembas

                  Tanngankia cichlids what else

