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Help on this Question please????

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  • Help on this Question please????

    Hey guys mabeh you can help me on this question.....

    I need to know how you can tell the sex on a aferican chinchild.

    We have about 5 of them and we need to know how to tell the sex on them.

    If you can help me out in any way please message me or pm my mail.

    That would be awesome thanks so much

    Thank you,

    [b][i][u][align=center]Fish is a Great hobby!!!! help me out more! haha

  • #2
    Re: Help on this Question please????

    Dear Josh,

    Can't help you....

    Seriously, it would help if you could tell us here on the box, what type of African Cichlid you are asking about. A little research on the internet might help you find pictures of your fish and most likely the name of the fish as well.

    Sometimes with alot of African Cichlids, the male is more colorful, and the female are almost bland or plain looking, but you really should try to identify your fish first.

    Thanks  &

    Good Hunting

    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


    • #3
      Re: Help on this Question please????

      hey this is josh on my cuz new account he is new here. The fish are

      those are like his fish help please????


      • #4
        Re: Help on this Question please????

        Okie Yellow labs..  its difficult to sex yellow labs.
        Most will tell you that the anal fin on the male has a more defined black line, but this is not true for all of them.  This is most true for the Lion Cove variant but there are 5 different yellow labs, one which is white and one is blue.. of the remaining 3 kinds the black line seems to be more there and less there.. and they will interbreed therefore very hard to say.  If they have a solid good looking black line most likely male.

        One thing you can figure out usually is who is the dominant male because most malawi fish you are showing are going to be the one who is holding a territory and also digs...  If the fish just seems to sit in the open water and does not get chased a lot there is a better chance its a female.

        The Auratus its easier.. the male is blue.. the female is yellow..  All born yellow but changes to blue about 3-4 months after being born (I believe) and you can easily sex them by 6 months old.

        Red Zebra -- Sexing Information: The colorations of this fish differ from most of the Mbuna, as the females are typically the ones displaying the deeper and more brilliant colorations. The orange males are larger but often become pale on the lower sides of their bodies, and may even show a brilliant "freckling" of spots along the dorsal and tail fins. While the smaller female, may not have any color variation, with the deep orange color extending out to the tips of her fins. The males typically will have numerous (4-7) "egg spots", while the female may show fewer (0-3) and less prominent "egg spots".  (taken from )  

        Some Malawi are easy like I said to figure out.. others are hard.  If you can get some pictures of the fish it can be a little easier for us to sex them for you.
        Mbuna's are usually the hardest ones to figure out, while Peacocks and Haps are much easier as there is a true color difference in most of the males vs females.

        Mbuna (all the fish you have in your picture are Mbuna's) usually you will find one or two dominant males in your tank per species of fish, and any other male in the tank will show the colors of a female because they are being submissive and dont want to be chased around.  You will notice that males will chase other males around relentless....  males will not chase females but for a few seconds..  (ie either she wants to party or not... males on the other hand are just to close in and the fishtank is not large enough for them to hide in)

        Hope this helps.

        What fish do Jesper have
        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
        58 S. Decorus

        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher

