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36 gal for AC's

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  • 36 gal for AC's

    i want to convert my now community tank into a Chlid tank.. First I'm trying to find a home for my current stock then want to start new. Please share your thoughts with what to stock. Would like pairs or more of each.. Need brilliant colors and would like some personality... Pleas help this newb!!

    Plan is to keep blue gravel and mix in some black. Scape it with some driftwood and large rocks... I run an Eheim 2213 for filtration..

  • #2
    first thing i would consider is what region you prefer. cichlids some from african rift lakes. there are also species from SA and CA. generally the african species are more aggressive IMO, and tend to get larger (so species from lakes malawi and victoria i would steer away from with a 36g).

    there are many nice shell dwellers from lake tanganyika. they all stay small (in the 2 inch max length range). you can essentially build an entire colony. they may not be the most brilliantly colored, but definitely fun to keep. other options from lake tanganyika, but can get into the 5" range as adults, are brichardi and leleupi if you have maybe one breedig pair. they will explode in population (multi generational colony).

    the SA and CA regions will offer more colorful cichlids. kribensis have some nice coloration, and many in the apistogramma family are quite nice. rams have some nice varieties too

    i personally like this site. it gives a lot of detail on each fish species. habitat, adult size, tankmates, feeding, breeding, etc.


    • #3
      A colony of Daffodil.
      010G Long fin BN grow-out
      020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
      020G Leulepi grow-out
      020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
      030G Leulepi breeder
      030G SRD FlowerHorn
      040G Hongi Sweden breeder
      090G Tangs community
      100G Tangs community
      150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


      • #4
        A breeding pair of Leulepi.
        010G Long fin BN grow-out
        020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
        020G Leulepi grow-out
        020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
        030G Leulepi breeder
        030G SRD FlowerHorn
        040G Hongi Sweden breeder
        090G Tangs community
        100G Tangs community
        150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


        • #5
          Small group of Demasoni, yellow labs, or Salousi. - these all stay around 4".
          You could do a pair of cool julies and a goby cichlid, buffalo cichlids, or go the planted route and do kribensis.
          Or you could do jewel cichlids. there a ton of options.

          heres a good link..

          ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
          5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


          • #6
            Originally posted by BIG FISH View Post
            Small group of Demasoni, yellow labs, or Salousi. - these all stay around 4".
            You could do a pair of cool julies and a goby cichlid, buffalo cichlids, or go the planted route and do kribensis.
            Or you could do jewel cichlids. there a ton of options.

            heres a good link..

            jewels do have a nice red color. they breed readily too. demasoni are nice as well.

            i do have quite a few yellow lab juvies if interested later in the 1.5-2" range. usually sell for $2 each


            • #7
              Hongi Sweden! They stay small around 2-3" at full size and very colorful.
              010G Long fin BN grow-out
              020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
              020G Leulepi grow-out
              020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
              030G Leulepi breeder
              030G SRD FlowerHorn
              040G Hongi Sweden breeder
              090G Tangs community
              100G Tangs community
              150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


              • #8
                Originally posted by morpheus View Post
                jewels do have a nice red color. they breed readily too. demasoni are nice as well.

                i do have quite a few yellow lab juvies if interested later in the 1.5-2" range. usually sell for $2 each
                Jewels are very nice with red and pear color, but they can get big 4-5".
                010G Long fin BN grow-out
                020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                020G Leulepi grow-out
                020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                030G Leulepi breeder
                030G SRD FlowerHorn
                040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                090G Tangs community
                100G Tangs community
                150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the response's.. I'll begin researching based on every bodies ideas... Thanks


                  • #10
                    What in your opinion are the most entertaining specie of AC's?


                    • #11
                      I have to vouch for Tanganyika. LOL
                      010G Long fin BN grow-out
                      020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                      020G Leulepi grow-out
                      020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                      030G Leulepi breeder
                      030G SRD FlowerHorn
                      040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                      090G Tangs community
                      100G Tangs community
                      150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ptran View Post
                        I have to vouch for Tanganyika. LOL
                        Why?? What makes them entertaining??


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cavjock22 View Post
                          Why?? What makes them entertaining??
                          I know what that the malawi keepers out there will disagree, but Tanganyikans have more personality in my opinion and from my experiences with different malawi and tanganyikan fishes.
                          ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
                          5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BIG FISH View Post
                            I know what that the malawi keepers out there will disagree, but Tanganyikans have more personality in my opinion and from my experiences with different malawi and tanganyikan fishes.

                            IME, Tangs seems to be smarter fish based on their social structure, behavior, and personality. Too many species to mention but for example, the shellies have this "bull dog" personality to guard their shells and raising their fry. I think it's very interesting and entertaining to watch. You might have to do some research on your own to decide what's best for your taste.
                            010G Long fin BN grow-out
                            020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
                            020G Leulepi grow-out
                            020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
                            030G Leulepi breeder
                            030G SRD FlowerHorn
                            040G Hongi Sweden breeder
                            090G Tangs community
                            100G Tangs community
                            150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


                            • #15
                              each fish does have its own personality, but i did like the tangs social structure when i kept them. had multiple breeding pairs, multiple generations from each pair all coexisting (which you generally dont see in many malawi colonies). the tangs also do tend to stay smaller than the malawis, so for your tank size, i would lean that route personally

