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Mbuna Tank

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  • Mbuna Tank

    Setting up my 90 gallon over weekend and have been trying to decide on the type of chiclid I want to keep and considering tank length will be going with Mbuna . I have kept them before in a 75 and enjoyed the tank.

    if possible would like to buy the fish from a fish box member. Looking for 1 to 2 inch but open to suggestions.
    appreciate any input as to number and types of Mbuna to keep together.

    Have a nice safe New Years

  • #2
    How could I get in touch with Charles Jones.


    • #3
      Decided to go with an all male peacock tank.


      • #4
        Josiah Payne has some nice peacocks at a good price.


        • #5
          I posted on here a couple days ago
          210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
          125g Mdoka White Lip

          "Success is the willingness to fail"


          • #6
            if you want to go mbuna I have lots


            • #7
              Picked up a few peacocks at fish land.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bikinguy View Post
                How could I get in touch with Charles Jones.
                Who is charles jones?


                • #9
                  Tank is finished. I have 15 male peacocks 2.5 to 3 inches in length. Water is crystal clear all chemical readings are good. Went with very small gravel this time and used some artificial plants at the back in addition to a low rock scape. I really like the peaceful tank and the vivid colors. Using 2 aquaclear 70's for filteration and are doing the job well but may add a cannister when they start to grow out more.

