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Who am I?

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  • #16
    Re: Who am I?

    this is my male Juli transcriptus. Mine has more blue no yellow on him
    2 75s, 125,55,25 and 14 gallon tank


    • #17
      Re: Who am I?


      Juveniles of this species may be confused with J. marleri but can be distinguished by the presence of only 2 rows of white spots, as opposed to the 3 rows exhibited by marlieri.

      So with this information Rahne has transcriptus and Tim and I have marlieri

      What fish do Jesper have
      180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
      Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
      58 S. Decorus

      "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


      • #18
        Re: Who am I?

        Thanks rahne and Zulaab
        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


        • #19
          Re: Who am I?

          Originally posted by armthehomeless";p="
          IrkedCitizen - I got them as Neolamprologus brichardi. I have two males in one tank and a female in another.
          Well time will tell I suppose.  Once they get bigger it might become clearer.


          • #20
            Re: Who am I?

            Here are a few clearer pictures:

            Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
            Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
            Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
            Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


            • #21
              Re: Who am I?

              The yellow you see is their pectoral fins -- easy to see in pictures, but at times harder to see when you look at the fish straight on

              What fish do Jesper have
              180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
              Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
              58 S. Decorus

              "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


              • #22
                Re: Who am I?

                hmmmm... Looks like marlieri "burundi"  there are several different variants of juli's just like alot of other africans.
                25g - Reef
                3.5g - Surge Tank
                10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


                • #23
                  Re: Who am I?

                  Agreed. Julidochromis marlieri. I'm not going to begin to guess at a locality.
                  Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                  Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                  Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                  Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                  • #24
                    Re: Who am I?

                    The other one looks just like my brichardi...

                    at least that is what the fish store sold them to me as...

                    but then again they were clueless about them, said they bought them from a customer...


                    • #25
                      Re: Who am I?

                      Yeah i just wanted to specify "burundi b/c of the yellow fins . the other is Lamp. Brichardi i had a couple of those guys they breed like theres no tomarrow and get ultra aggressive when doing so. the other is an O. Ventralis looks to be the chaitika variant.
                      25g - Reef
                      3.5g - Surge Tank
                      10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony

