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Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

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  • #16
    Re: Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

    Originally posted by J-WS6";p="
    Yeah. You know, it'd be really cool if someone set up a series of underwater web cams, so you could log on to it and watch it throughout the day. Crazy!

    not a underwater web cams.....but close with picks too.

    check your pm J.
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #17
      Re: Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

      There are vids and pictures posted all over of Lake Tanganyika.... check out's forum... there are members there that dive the lake with some very amazing pictures and not only of Trophs and petros!
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #19
        Re: Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

        Nice....for those that don't want to read the whole article for the answer (goode read by the way) states that..."Sodium (~57-64), calcium (~9.2-17.6), magnesium (~39-43), chloride (~29-37), sulfate (~7-15), with a carbonate, bicarbonate count of ~6.0-6.8."

        p.s. that's found in the first article.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #20
          Re: Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

          There is more detailed info on Tang in the third link


          • #21
            Re: Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

            Yeah, I have read all three. Really nice info.

            For people that haven't read the articles......the second one shows you how to make your own mix.
            I ate my fish that died.


            • #22
              Re: Trace elements found in lake tang and our tap?

              I wish I could find more information on Madagascar conditions.  I've found a few articles and resources, but its very limited.

