Here are some pics of parents guarding their fry. I thought I would share since these fish are not real common.
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Neolamprologus brichardi 'fire tip Kiku' pics
Neolamprologus brichardi 'fire tip Kiku' pics
Last edited by algarciajr; 06-24-2011, 01:29 AM.150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
115G TanganyikanTags: None
Re: Neolamprologus brichardi 'fire tip Kiku' pics
Originally posted by EaRtHeAtEr";p="i'll take 1 when they are about an 1"i have been trying to find one of these.
Originally posted by fishlady";p="is that a chaolin brichardi in there too?150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
115G Tanganyikan
Re: Neolamprologus brichardi 'fire tip Kiku' pics
well, i have a 10g, tht i am not using for anything, i could grow several out in thatplus this gives me an excuse to setup a new tank, and to justify setting up a new tank
which is much more important than the excuse
55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'
Re: Neolamprologus brichardi 'fire tip Kiku' pics
sorry about the loss of your chaolin's.....i have one ....i love him alot.....he's so cool looking...
cichlidfan has a couple of them in one of his tanks too....
we really wanted to have them for such a long time and we finally got them.....
if you wanna get rid of him i'll surely take him to give mine a friend...... :wink: