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  • #16
    Originally posted by alexarae View Post
    CAKS.....CAKS and skrumps.
    Could fit a ton of CAKS and skrumps in there! Would be interesting to see something like that.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BEdward View Post
      Will definately need cyps. Would love to get a black calvus - don't know how that will go w/ the shellies.
      These three species will all work fine together. However, if you wish to breed the cyps, keep in mind the Calvus will eat the fry. I have a similar set up in my 90 and had a pair of black congo calvus in there up until a month ago, and removed them for that very reason.


      • #18
        Originally posted by J-WS6 View Post
        These three species will all work fine together. However, if you wish to breed the cyps, keep in mind the Calvus will eat the fry. I have a similar set up in my 90 and had a pair of black congo calvus in there up until a month ago, and removed them for that very reason.
        Are there any problems w/ moving the female (cyp) to a nursery tank while she's holding?


        • #19
          No, but you would have to be quick and careful not to spook her enough to where should would swallow her fry. That would actually be ideal, because I've had my cyps eat them after they were spit in the tank.


          • #20
            Originally posted by CichlidFan View Post
            I voted for other, why not try something that will be a real treat to the eye, a planted tank with nice soft green grass and plants and some colorful little tetras or something similar to them.

            A 75 gallon tank would give you plenty of room to be creative and it could be an ongoing project....

            Good Luck with whatever you decide on.

            I'm with CF, so often big tanks are used for only big fish. A big planted tank with some beautiful schooling tetras would be stunning.

            Good luck with your project


            • #21
              Originally posted by treehuggingfishlover View Post
              I'm with CF, so often big tanks are used for only big fish. A big planted tank with some beautiful schooling tetras would be stunning.

              Good luck with your project
              I know. I've had more time to think about it. I'm still really torn between a nice planted tank like you guys are talking about... with a huge school of tetras, shrimps, cories, keyholes... and a semi planted tang tank. TBH I already have everything I need to make it a planted tank. And after looking at Finfans tank (VERY nice tank Fin) It has me seriously considering it!

              Looks like my 20g shellie tank will be the "tang" tank


              • #22
                Living in the location you do, I would think you know more than a few of the local fisher folk. Think how nice a Saltwater tank you could build with the Strange creatures they ocasionaly capture in their nets.....

                If you move, you'll never have another opertunity like this.
                'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                • #23
                  thanks bedward, i personally prefer planted tanks over any other type, but the most important thing imo is to do something that makes you happy or you strive to do, so go for what you feel most strongly about, either way, good luck and we want to see a journal
                  65 gallon - ADA 120p - planted
                  55 gallon - AGA standard - mix cichlid
                  30 gallon tall - eclipse acrylic - semi-planted

                  live and let live


                  • #24
                    Two new set-up with Victorians with a trio of Xystichromis sp. nov. 'Kyoga flameback' and six Pundamilia nyererei 'Makobe Island". Both are haplochrovid mouthbrooders.
                    No good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise” Lewis Caroll
                    AKA, SAA, NANFA, TAKO, HAS, AKA, BKA, ALA, BLA
                    AND MOUTHBROODERS ANY TYPE.
                    MALES WERE BLACK IN COLOR

