I have four firebelly newts. Three are complete fatties and eat any and everything they can catch (or kill it). this list includes 1 crested betta, 1 half moon betta, 1 delta betta, 3 fancy guppies and a glass cat. Yet they leave the african dwarf frog alone. HOwever, I have them in a 10 gallon tank with feeders, a reptile hammock and a stick to lead out of the water. Every week, what guppies they haven't eaten, I'll catch and chop up and watch the feeding frenzy commence. Well, when I got the fourth, he was in poor condition from a whole in the wall fish shop. He was skinny and lethargic but with vibrant color and reactions. But he cut his foot a few days ago and he won't eat or even go in the water! He's drying out, so I spray some of his tank water on him. I've even isolated him in a smaller tank with food. Shrimp, brine shrimp, guppies, chopped up guppies... Nothing works!
He's nearing death!
He's nearing death!