You just MIGHT be a herper if...
You just MIGHT be a herper if...
- your pet's dinner requuires care and feediing until it is served.
- you've ever been in a flooring store and found yourself saying, "I really think vinyl is the best substrate for a child's room."
- you move the rubber snake out of the aisle at the toy store so it won't get run over...and identify its species while you're doing it.
- you go jogging on a muddy track after a rainstorm and notice lots of earthworms wandering around, and you come back later with a cup.
- the Discovery Channel wants to send a film crew to your house.
- all your friends call you Lizard Lady or Snake Man.
- only your closest friends know about the secret snakes in your dorm room.
- someone yells "snake", and you race off after it.
- your best picture of your wife/girlfriend is with a snake wrapped around her neck or a bearded dragon on her shoulder.
- you hand a written disclaimer to guests before letting anyone new in your house.
- you buy a deep freeze in addition to your refrigerator and you live alone.
- you never turn on your room lights because the cages provide enough.
- you keep your apartment at a constant 85F, with lights pointed at the couch to make a 95F basking spot.
- a bug lands near you and you lick your lips.
- you refer to a pregnant woman as "gravid".
- she had twins you want to know if the babies came out with a ratio of 1.1, 0.2 or 2.0 and what are they het for, if anything?
- losing electrical power at any time of the year is a MAJOR crisis.
- you ask the local drug store for a No-Pest "Fly" Strip in January.
- redecorating the house means finding a way to squeeze in another aquarium.
- you've ever had to lecture a pet store employee/manager.
- your response to friends showing you their new hamster is, "Nope, too small."
- you find "tongue flicking" an attractive attribute in persons of the opposite sex.
- your electric company asks if you want a professional account.
- you charge admission at your house, but kids 12 and under are still free.