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New hobby. (Kinda)

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  • New hobby. (Kinda)

    Hey everyone, been gone for awhile but am back now. Had a major outage at the plant where I work and have been up to my eyeballs in work. I still have all of my fish and they are doing good, but thought I would share something else I have been up too lately. Here are some pics of my Terrarium and my Green Basilisk. Hes is young right now but cant wait until he gets his crest on sail on him. Just thought I would share this with yall. Oh! Also got 10 other pets in the last tank pictured but they are all hiding right now. Can anyone guess whats in there?
    Attached Files
    65G African Tank (1 Ropefish, 1 Senegal Bichir, 3 Spotted Climbing Pearch, 2 Black Calvus "Zebra", 1 Featherfin Cat, African Knife, 2 Upside down Cats and an African Butterfly Fish.

    30G "The Mudhole" 3 African Mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus)

    20G 4 Longfin Zebra Danio, 2 Julii Cory, 2 Bolivian Ram, 1 Stripped Raphael and 3 Glass Cats.

  • #2
    Dont know why that one photo is upside down.
    65G African Tank (1 Ropefish, 1 Senegal Bichir, 3 Spotted Climbing Pearch, 2 Black Calvus "Zebra", 1 Featherfin Cat, African Knife, 2 Upside down Cats and an African Butterfly Fish.

    30G "The Mudhole" 3 African Mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus)

    20G 4 Longfin Zebra Danio, 2 Julii Cory, 2 Bolivian Ram, 1 Stripped Raphael and 3 Glass Cats.


    • #3
      What's up Brandon! Glad to see you back on the forum. No idea what's in that last tank... maybe some frogs?


      • #4
        Welcome back!
        All bleeding stops eventually...


        • #5
          Very cool Brandon. I have always liked lizards. I have never kepped them. My wife would kill me. Good to see you posting.
          I think the mystery tank is, Crabs. You Got The Crabs. Have no ibea.
          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


          • #6
            Lol thanks for the welcome back everyone! That tank holds (drumroll)................. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches! Needless to say the wife is not too happy about them.
            65G African Tank (1 Ropefish, 1 Senegal Bichir, 3 Spotted Climbing Pearch, 2 Black Calvus "Zebra", 1 Featherfin Cat, African Knife, 2 Upside down Cats and an African Butterfly Fish.

            30G "The Mudhole" 3 African Mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus)

            20G 4 Longfin Zebra Danio, 2 Julii Cory, 2 Bolivian Ram, 1 Stripped Raphael and 3 Glass Cats.


            • #7
              Lol! Nice. I squish roaches. It's fun seeing their guts spew out everywhere and amazing at the fact that they'll still survive it.

              Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


              • #8
                So the Wife would rather have the crabs?
                Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                  So the Wife would rather have the crabs?
                  Haha as funny as that sounds.........................yes.
                  65G African Tank (1 Ropefish, 1 Senegal Bichir, 3 Spotted Climbing Pearch, 2 Black Calvus "Zebra", 1 Featherfin Cat, African Knife, 2 Upside down Cats and an African Butterfly Fish.

                  30G "The Mudhole" 3 African Mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus)

                  20G 4 Longfin Zebra Danio, 2 Julii Cory, 2 Bolivian Ram, 1 Stripped Raphael and 3 Glass Cats.


                  • #10
                    I'm interested in having a reptile pet. What are the things I need and need to know? Thanks.

