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Coryadoras paleatus eggs

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  • Coryadoras paleatus eggs

    I just found what looks like Coryadoras paleatus eggs so I moved the parents to another tank. There are some really small guppies in there but I don't think they will bother them. I am not too sure about sexing the pairs but I tried to put little thin ones with big fat ones. What do you think? Will the eggs hatch?


  • #2
    Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

    got pictures?
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

      How many cories do you have? And what do you mean by sexing them - have you separated them into groups of 2? Little thin ones with big fat ones sounds like a good way to sex them! From what I've learned cories prefer to spawn in groups, so I'd keep them all together. But, regardless of what you do now, you must have done something right, so keep it up! I'd also just keep an eye on the eggs, maybe use some meth. blue (I think that's the one) for preventative measures, or pick out any eggs that seem infertile or have fungus. Be sure to keep us updated, how exciting!  
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #4
        Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

        I put a pic in my album with some baby guppies in the picture to give a perspective. Yes I either put twos or threes together. I have three sets of paleatus? eggs. There are only three or four eggs in one set so the parents are still with those. They maybe eating them or just started laying? I have albinos,julies,sterbei, and habrasos also. Maybe 50-100 all together. I mean what you said about sexing them. THe fertilization is internal but do they lay if not fertile? I am pretty sure they are not snail eggs.



        • #5
          Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

          they look really white but more of a clear but i googled it and it looks good.

          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #6
            Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

            I really don't know. I will have to wait and see. I am not very good at that lol.



            • #7
              Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

              Well whatever they are the eggs are turning a gray color and beginning to hatch? The babies? look like tiny tadpoles. A sphere for a head and a thread of a tail. I don't think they are large enough to photograph. They are small compared to guppy fry. Well they are not snails and I am not sure they are Coryadoras paleatus. I think there are three babies with most of the eggs unhatched. I guess these critters could be something else not coming from the eggs?



              • #8
                Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                OK I have removed the parents from all three groups and the guppies as well. Even baby guppies were big enough to worry me. I am starting moina cultures in all three groups. I am trying to feed microworms to the group that is hatching? I count at least seven now. I think they are too small to eat BBS.



                • #9
                  Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                  Yeah, egg layer fry are a lot smaller than those of livebearers! Are they free swimming yet, or do they look like they still have their yolk sac? Usually you have a couple of days after hatching in which to prepare any food small enough for them, and then when they're big enough to eat BBS, it gets much, much easier.  
                  "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                    They stay on the bottom and wiggle about occasionally. I guess corys are kind of that way anyway. Maybe half the first group and one or two of the second and third groups have hatched now. I bet they are still feeding on yolk sacs. They are so tiny.



                    • #11
                      Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                      The cories mostly disappeared yesterday but they reappeared this morning so I guess they are hiding around the sponge filter somewhere when the light is on. I think all of the first group, at least twenty, have hatched and very little of the second or third group have hatched. I am feeding the first group microworms and flakes powdered by my fingers still.



                      • #12
                        Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                        You scared me for a second, there! I'm glad they're still doing well. Can you tell if they're actually eating what you're giving them yet, or are they still too small?
                        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                          post some pictures man!
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #14
                            Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                            Sorry about the pictures. The best I could do was a blur that could have been a picture of an alien spacecraft as easily as it was C. paleatus. These guys have not grown much if any and may be about a quarter of an inch long. I don't think they are big enough to eat anything I can see including adult microworms. They may feed of of the yolk sac or something microscopic that eats the powdered flakes. Since they hide all day and are all over the floor of the tank when I first turn on the lights I think they may eat at night. I cannot tell what they are by looking at them. Even watching them move they could be something else if not for the eggs and the parents and the timing. I have a toy microscope that is teathered by USB cables to my computer. Well it will be when I hook it up and reinsatll the software. I will try to take a picture with that later but it is a long shot. I have had it a while but it cost less than $100 new and I don't remember great pictures.



                            • #15
                              Re: Coryadoras paleatus eggs

                              Most of one group of eggs fuzzed over with fungus and did not hatch. That leaves two large groups and two small ones. The corys are big enough to see that they are corys now and they are starting to move up the wall some to eat. I guess they are eating algae? One can see the mouth on the glass and the charateristic wiggling around. I have not started the BBS for them yet but maybe they could eat it? Pictures are so much trouble that I have not done anything with that.


