I have a big (14") Ornate Bichir (Polypterus ornatipinnis) in a 55 gallon tank and have been trying to find something that might work as a tankmate. I have tried a few different things and most met with poor results,( Lima Shovelnose 8"- chewed on, Convict Cichlid 6"- eaten, Silver Arowana 10"- eaten, Striped Raphael 6"- chewed on) and am up for trying anything. I currently have a Blue Tilapia (4") in with him that has survived against all odds, but I'd like something a bit more eye catching. Does anyone have any ideas?
I was thinking of giving some Africans a try? Blue Ahli maybe? Perhaps something native to his region?
African Butterfly? I know they are smaller, but could possibly avoid him by sticking to the surface.
Something I have perhaps not considered?
I will certainly say he is far more aggressive then most I have read over and finding a companion bichir would likely need a grow out tank. Would a larger Endlichiri work as long as he could not fit him in his jaws, perhaps in the 12-15" range or would they squabble?
I was thinking of giving some Africans a try? Blue Ahli maybe? Perhaps something native to his region?
African Butterfly? I know they are smaller, but could possibly avoid him by sticking to the surface.
Something I have perhaps not considered?
I will certainly say he is far more aggressive then most I have read over and finding a companion bichir would likely need a grow out tank. Would a larger Endlichiri work as long as he could not fit him in his jaws, perhaps in the 12-15" range or would they squabble?