So I have a 15G I'm using to grow out some fry, it started building some algae so I threw in a small bristlenose 'cause lord knows I've got plenty of them. Couldn't find him yesterday, got an inkling and sure enough, he somehow managed to swim against the flow and ended up in the intake chamber of one of the two HOB filters I've got on the tank. I would love to have seen him do that!
I could leave him, but he won't eat too well in there. I guess this weekend I'll shut down the filter and get him out of there.
I had a similar situation with a dojo loach 20+ years ago. Anyone else ever had that with an HOB filter?
I could leave him, but he won't eat too well in there. I guess this weekend I'll shut down the filter and get him out of there.
I had a similar situation with a dojo loach 20+ years ago. Anyone else ever had that with an HOB filter?