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Clown Loach eating MTS

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  • Clown Loach eating MTS

    I have read that clown loaches eat malaysian trumpet snails but not sure if it is true? I'd like to wipe out the snails in my tank will the clown loaches be able to handle that?

  • #2
    Oh sorry posted in the wrong forum


    • #3
      Re: Clown Loach eating MTS

      Yes they can. I like assassin snails better though

      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


      • #4
        I've had clown loaches in most of my tanks and they are and have been MTS free.

        For really bad invasions that you need quicker control try using copper safe. It's kind of slow but it works.

        I've never tried assassin snails but they do work.


        • #5
          Originally posted by danielp View Post
          I've had clown loaches in most of my tanks and they are and have been MTS free.

          For really bad invasions that you need quicker control try using copper safe. It's kind of slow but it works.

          I've never tried assassin snails but they do work.
          Just know that once you use copper safe, the tank will be unsuitable for any inverts for a long time.


          • #6
            Re: Clown Loach eating MTS

            I had a huge MTS issue in my 90g. Bought loaches, helped but didn't work. Bought about 10 assassin snails, which became a zillion assassin snails and completely cleared out the MTS.

            Sent from my Galaxy S3


            • #7
              Re: Clown Loach eating MTS

              So now you have a zillion assassin snails?


              • #8
                Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                So now you have a zillion assassin snails?
                I'd rather have the assassin snails than MTS or clown loaches. They're easier to get rid of. Just sell them for a buck a pop or 50c a pop and you'll get rid of them quick. Plus they don't reproduce as fast as MTS or pond snails.


                • #9
                  True. I used copper sulfate solution (copper safe did nothing) and let clown loaches clear out the survivors.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SunnyHouTX View Post
                    So now you have a zillion assassin snails?
                    I did until I donated them all to a friend who is a teacher and has 10 tanks in her classroom :)


                    • #11
                      A couple of puffer fish will put a dint in thim.
                      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                      • #12
                        Re: Clown Loach eating MTS

                        I've heard that mts are too hard for puffer's teeth...
                        20g mixed reef


                        • #13
                          Our fig.8s eat them. They can't brake up the hole shell. Like they do pond snails. They do brake the leading edge just enough to get the meat out...
                          Last edited by troy tucker; 12-28-2012, 09:05 AM.
                          Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                          • #14
                            Clown loaches are best option,the key is to leave the loaches hungry for a few days should see a lot of empty shells after. GL
                            210 gl - Yellow Moshi Mahale,Zebra Pleco
                            300 gl - Red Bulu,Ikola,Brazilan Pleco
                            200 gl pond - Assorted Cichlids


                            • #15
                              Everything that I read said that once there are no snails to eat the assassin snails will die do to nothing to eat. I use clown loaches because they are very interesting and intertwining. They attack the MTS when I turn over the sand during water changes. It is crazy how they eat all of the snails as fast as they can.
                              Red Rainbows tropheus
                              Assorted Male Malawi Cichlids
                              Moshi Mahale
                              Nkonde Fasciolatus Yellow
                              petrochromis Sp. Blue Giant

