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Banjo catfish regenerating?

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  • Banjo catfish regenerating?

    Do the banjos grow fresh fins?

    The other day I noticed one fin had turned completely white and looked sort of stringy, now today it looks great, however,

    I noticed his tail fin <not sure the specific name> has gone and there's the same looking white stringy stuff where it looks like a new one is growing?

    He is not bullied and moves around the tank freely all the time, is this normal or whats going on?


  • #2
    Banjo catfish regenerating?



    • #3
      Looks like an injury. They won't spontaneously drop a fin and regrow one, if that's what you're asking... he was hurt somehow. What else have you got in the tank currently?
      Hopefully it didn't do too much permanent damage, and it'll recover. Just watch for infection. Good luck!
      "I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." -Oscar Wilde


      • #4
        Banjo catfish regenerating?

        In the tank currently are 3 plecs, 1 featherfin catfish, red tail shark, 3 spot guaramis, 3 tin foil barbs, Chinese algae eaters, black ghost knife, khuli loaches, swordtails, Pakistani loach, kribensis, clown loach and some more I can't think of the top of my head lol


        • #5
          Banjo catfish regenerating?

          I have moved him into a separate tank and hopefully he will recover


          • #6
            Just dose some general care and antifungals and you should be good. They are pretty tough, but not very good at defending themselves. Try adding some Indian Almond leaves to any tank they are in for added cover and security.
            In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
            Desiderius Erasmus
            GHAC President

