Haven't posted in ages, but recent events have spawned this post (pun intended)...
I have two albino Plecs in my 150g lightly planted community. One is a rubber lip, the other a bristlenose. They have been in there for about a year or so, and seem to be growing and thriving. On Monday I noticed that there were now nine babies, about 3/4" stuck to the sides around the tank. I can only guess that they are hybrids.. is that even possible?
photo (2).jpg photo.jpg
And once they grow, what will they be? bristle lips? rubber nose?
Please excuse bad iPhone pictures!
I have two albino Plecs in my 150g lightly planted community. One is a rubber lip, the other a bristlenose. They have been in there for about a year or so, and seem to be growing and thriving. On Monday I noticed that there were now nine babies, about 3/4" stuck to the sides around the tank. I can only guess that they are hybrids.. is that even possible?
photo (2).jpg photo.jpg
And once they grow, what will they be? bristle lips? rubber nose?
Please excuse bad iPhone pictures!