Typed this up for one of our members and thought yawl'd like it as well

Well maybe this will help some understand what's going on a little better (or might just bore the heck outta ya - sorry if that's the case).
You've probably heard of BTUs (British Thermal Units) which is a measurement of heat transfer. It takes 1 BTU to heat one pound of water 1*F. There are approximately 8 pound of water in 1 gallon of water. So it takes 8 BTUs to raise 1 gallon of water by 1*F.
1 watt = 3.42 BTUs, so you need 0.29 (call it .3) watts per gallon per 1*F increase.
As an example take a 100 gallon tank. Going from 75*F (room temp) to 80*F (desired water temp) would required: 5*F @ 100 gallons = 100g X .3w X 5*F = 150 watts or about 1.5 watts per gallon. If you start out at 72*F you would require: .3w X 8*F X 100G = 240 watts or 2.4 watts per gallon. Even 10*F increase would require 300 watts or 3.0 watts per gallon.
Now that is the "best case scenario" where the heater is 100% efficient and there's no "wind" blowing across the surface of the water nor over the sided of the glass (like a ceiling fan or AC vent). Generally you can double the number you get to account for heater inefficiencies and other factors that will increase the wattage to reach the desired water temp.
There are a lot of factors when it comes to Thermal Dynamics so having a "do this exact thing and you'll be covered" is pretty difficult.
Going off your exact setup - 300 gallon going to 78*F from say 74*F (assumed room temp) you'd need 360 watts or about 1 watt per gallon.
Hope that helps explain the science and math behind the scenes a bit (as in explains where the 3-5 watts per gallon comes from and why it's a very general rule). In extreme cases - room temp is say 68*F and you want your tank to be 88*F you're looking at 6 watts per gallon minimum.
You've probably heard of BTUs (British Thermal Units) which is a measurement of heat transfer. It takes 1 BTU to heat one pound of water 1*F. There are approximately 8 pound of water in 1 gallon of water. So it takes 8 BTUs to raise 1 gallon of water by 1*F.
1 watt = 3.42 BTUs, so you need 0.29 (call it .3) watts per gallon per 1*F increase.
As an example take a 100 gallon tank. Going from 75*F (room temp) to 80*F (desired water temp) would required: 5*F @ 100 gallons = 100g X .3w X 5*F = 150 watts or about 1.5 watts per gallon. If you start out at 72*F you would require: .3w X 8*F X 100G = 240 watts or 2.4 watts per gallon. Even 10*F increase would require 300 watts or 3.0 watts per gallon.
Now that is the "best case scenario" where the heater is 100% efficient and there's no "wind" blowing across the surface of the water nor over the sided of the glass (like a ceiling fan or AC vent). Generally you can double the number you get to account for heater inefficiencies and other factors that will increase the wattage to reach the desired water temp.
There are a lot of factors when it comes to Thermal Dynamics so having a "do this exact thing and you'll be covered" is pretty difficult.
Going off your exact setup - 300 gallon going to 78*F from say 74*F (assumed room temp) you'd need 360 watts or about 1 watt per gallon.
Hope that helps explain the science and math behind the scenes a bit (as in explains where the 3-5 watts per gallon comes from and why it's a very general rule). In extreme cases - room temp is say 68*F and you want your tank to be 88*F you're looking at 6 watts per gallon minimum.