I would like to increase the return flow from my wet dry. I have an oldish US Aquarium Wet Dry that i bought and used with a 75 gallon tank for years. I'm not sure what the capacity is, but it has a single 1" (I think) drain line on the overflow box. I've been using a mag 7 pump, and when I got my 125, I moved it to that tank. It does well in combination with two 2217 Eheims and a maxijet 1200, but i keep thinking it would be even better with a mag 9.5. I think I might be able to do this and keep the same overflow/sump, but I'm not sure. I know I would at least have to add another U-tube but would rather not change out sump if I don't have to.
Do you think this would work, or will it be too much?
Do you think this would work, or will it be too much?