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when to replace filter media in a canister filter

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  • when to replace filter media in a canister filter

    I have had an Eheim 2217 for about 10 months now.  I have been cleanning the media monthly and doing 30 - 50% water change weekly.  I have noticed lately that the water in the tank is getting more cloudy.  Everything has stayed the same - same amount of fish, same feeding schedule and food type, same tap water treatment process (RO).  Is it time to change the filter media and would this help make the water clearer!?  Any feedback would be much appreciated.

    "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
    -- Dale Carnegie

  • #2
    Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

    if its like any of my eheims that come with media already the only thing you really need to replace is the very top polishing pad or the fine pad. the media is biological media so just a good rinsing should suffice.

    also its better to stagger your media cleaning and waterchanges so that both dont get done the same day. do this to keep from washing awayyour beneficial bacteria that has established in your tank/media.

    if your eheim came with media and it hasnt been changed by you it should be from top to bottom, Ehfisynth(fine pad), Ehfisubstrate(either pro which are the media balls or white gravel looking stuff), Ehfifix(the coarse pad) and Ehfimech(the coarse media tube looking stuff)

    its rec that you replace 1/3 - 2/3 of the ehfisubstrate though by this time.

    here is a good site that shows you how to clean your eheim classic.

    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

      Great point, ek. Did you change all of the media and do a water change at the same time? If so, that could explain the cloudiness as a bacterial bloom resulting from a loss of enough beneficial bacteria to take care of the volume of the tank. Especially if everything has stayed the same. Is the water turning cloudy gradually, like over the course of the past month, or did it happen in a smaller time frame, like a few days?
      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


      • #4
        Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

        thanks y'all for replying.  it's a discus tank and i feed them beef heart once a day so the water has always been a little clouding but within that past week or so i have noticed that the water is getting more and more cloudier.  I have not changed any filter media inside my Eheim since I got it 10 months ago.  I plan to replace the fine filter pad and and carbon pad next to see if it helps.  Is there any chemical I can use to clear it up?
        "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
        -- Dale Carnegie


        • #5
          Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

          How many gallons is your Eheim filtering?  I have a 105 running with two Eheims and one Hot Magnum.  I don't use carbon as media in my Discus tank unless it's to remove meds.  Some say carbon has detrimental effects on Discus, but there are apparently many different opinions on carbon usage with Discus.
          Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


          • #6
            Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

            also another thing about carbon, not sure if its true or not but after the effects of it wears away it starts to deteriorate and starts to release back the bad stuff.  not sure how much of its true but if you think about it has to be, where does are the stuff it soaks up go other than back into the tank.

            i never use the carbon stuff and the pad that came with my eheim's are probably still in the boxes somewhere.

            as for something to clear up the water seachem purigen does wonders for me! i have a big bag of it in my wet/dry and it helps polish the water real nicely but then again that tank is way overfiltered and i dont feed beefheart to my fish.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

              I've never found any chemical water clearing additives that worked for me.  I feed my Discus beefheart and don't have a problem with cloudy water (knock on wood).  You might try rinsing and draining your beefheart before feeding.  Do you make your own beefheart?  There are tons of beefheart recipies on the net and it's much more cost effective to make your own, plus you know exactly what's in it and you add vitamins or med's if you desire.
              Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


              • #8
                Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

                we should have a beefheart making party for all the discus lovers. buy pounds of the stuff and split it up.  (a little off topic)
                "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                • #9
                  Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

                  I could be wrong, but echoing what has been said above. My 150g has 2 emperor 400 and one CFS4 cannister running. I rotate maintenance on them so that 2 of the 3 are mature. I rinse the media in cool water, and only replace media one unit at a time. WhenI first had the tank, first water change, I cleaned everything, and a week later I had soup. Now I make sure that I have my bacterial colony taken care of. Also I put  9w UV in line after the cannister. No disease or cloudiness ever since....

                  My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                  • #10
                    Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

                    You rinse the media in untreated tap water Russ? That kills off all the bacteria. I rinse my media in a bucketful of waste water from the tank. I give it a good swish and squeeze and then put it back. I want to get the particles off of it, but I don't want to mess with the nitrifying bacteria. The tank water insures that the bacteria won't be shocked.



                    • #11
                      Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

                      My Eheim 2217 is filtering a 60-gal tank with six 3.5" - 4" size discus.  I make my own beefheart and do rinse them prior to feeding.  I think the 2217 is big enough for the tank.  I'm gonna take out the carbon pad, put in a new fine filter pad, do a 50% change later and see if these help.  thanks for all the suggestions.
                      "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
                      -- Dale Carnegie


                      • #12
                        Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

                        Originally posted by Ellen";p="
                        You rinse the media in untreated tap water Russ? That kills off all the bacteria.
                        Well untreated isn't quite water is sofetened and r/o'ed, but i rinse the gunge off and and put'em right back in. I don't scrub them clean...No problems so far...apart form that stupid first big water change and clean out 2 years ago!

                        My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                        • #13
                          Re: when to replace filter media in a canister filter

                          i clean my filter pads out with the garden hose but the biological media gets rinsed in a bucket of tank water but if you dont do a waterchange/gravel clean along with filter clean  all in the same day i think you can get away with cleaning your filter with what ever. i have multiple filters on my tank so i dont  stress too much about the bacteria thing cause i stagger the cleanings.
                          700g Mini-Monster tank

