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how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

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  • #16
    Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

    Spyke - because I read that doing that can destroy the bacterial culture you have going.



    • #17
      Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

      If You don't ask you don't learn!!


      • #18
        Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

        You are so right spyke!  :wink:  The biggest problem I have found is that you find so much info that is conflicting. I was just reading an article about Ich treatment that SWORE you should never use salt with the clown loaches, only the chemical treatments! But I have used it before and it was fine, so . . .

        Last time I used Quick Cure and the loaches were fine but I lost all my otos. It's a challenge! But I love the little fishie boys and just want to do right by them!  


        • #19
          Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

          i have used salt, rid ich, melafix and all that good stuff with my clowns and i have never seen a healthier bunch of clowns.

          when i had to dose my frontosa tank i had to dose like 20tbsps and i dumped it in the tank and no one really bothered it or was bothered by it and within a couple minutes it was gone.

          maybe its like sugar, it can only dissolve so much in the given amount of water till its saturated and then cant dissolve no more?
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #20
            Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

            Eklike - Have you used Quick Cure before? What about the melafix - did you use that with the salt. I did that last time because I heard it helped them with the itching. What do you think?

            They seem to be perkier today, but a couple are still in hiding. I love the clowns so much I don't want to have them uncomfortable.

            Good point about being like sugar.



            • #21
              Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

              Everything dissolves like that - when the liquid is saturated, that's just all it can hold. That is why I dissolve it the way I do. Constantly replacing the now salty water with fresher water from the tank makes sure that it is still dissolving.



              • #22
                Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

                i have used salt with melafix before in my frontosa tank but the melafix is only a half dosage since the clowns are in there. the rid ich gets full treatment and my tank is at a constant 79-80f

                i gravel clean between dosages and replace salt for water replaced only.

                i have yet lost a clown, i thought i did but they were just taking turns hiding.  :?
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #23
                  Re: how do you dissolve aquarium salt?

                  So anyways heres what I did for my brackish tank, and I use aquarium salt.

                  Anyways, measure the salinity.. decide if you need to be alot more salty, or a little more salty..

                  then I take a bucket, fill it with water, dump the salt in, stir it up as much as I can then pour it in, it's _mostly_ disolved at this time, then I pour it in. The water looks cloudy for a moment and what wasn't dissolved in the water settles to the bottom but within five minutes or so it's clear again and everything is dissolved. It hasn't given my puffer any problems so take it for what its worth :)
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                  David Seratt
                  Co-President of CAK

